aparece que no va a haber restriccion para lvl 70, esto significara nuevos skills pregunto y tambien si es que ahora el nuevo lvl maximo sera 80, si alguien tiene info plz posteelaIniciado por BamBucha
Esta es una discusión para el tema Knight Empire en el foro Knight Online, bajo la categoría Top Games; Iniciado por BamBucha
weno.. parece ya estar todo listo para el Knight Empire.. esto fue lo que salio en la ...
Página: 15
aparece que no va a haber restriccion para lvl 70, esto significara nuevos skills pregunto y tambien si es que ahora el nuevo lvl maximo sera 80, si alguien tiene info plz posteelaIniciado por BamBucha
Bueno, por lo que estoy enterado en KO solo se podia llegar hasta el level 70 con 99%, ahora con esta nueva version KE se podra pasar este limite permitiendo a los jugadores poder llegar hasta el level 80, siendo esta la nueva restricción de level, creo que es asi, si estoy equivocado, corriganme porfavor
Saquenme de una duda, en el KO existen los quest para los niveles 30, 40 , 50 , en estos quest te regalan un level , menos en el level 60, saliendo el KE, existira un quest q te regale un level cuando estes en 60 ???? Es una duda
Lvl 61
Back Duperamus
encontre esto en el foro de kousa, ojala les sirva
i checked myko and searched a bit so in my opinion this are the news:
all ap's (attack power) are +1 weapons
1. 4 new weapons for rogues all bow - battle bow(ap 105), long bow(ap 114), siege bow(ap 126) and totemic bow(ap 135). ib (iron bow) ap was 93 so guess archery rogues dont have to complain at all and sin's got no new weapons
2. 2 new one-handed sword storm bringer(ap 7 and dainsleif(ap 84) till now graham was the best one-handed sword with 72 ap
3. new two-handed sword skureppe(ap 134) the best till now was mirage sword with 123 ap
4. new pole arm dragon slayer(ap 145) best till now was raptor with 137 ap. no new one-handed spears as far as i know
5. i dont know much about axe's so ill guess which are new and which are not. the last i remember to see was cleaver axe with 51 ap but never heard for this 3 : wrist cutter(ap 5, tomahawk(ap 65) and deep scar(ap 72)
6. well last i saw was bone cutter(ap 95) and bone cleaver(ap 106) at least i think i saw them but i certanly never saw blade axe(ap 117)
so im not very much into axe's but this should be it i didnt have time to check mace's and priest weapons closely but i think i didnt saw any news there. mages didnt get any new weapon. no new uniqes as far as i saw.
8. enhanced upgrading and jewelery can be upgraded in KE
9. new GFX
10. mob is now more detailed and more poly counts
Cosilla mas, recuerdo hace tiempo a ver leido en el foro de ko malasia que no habian combos en ke, es sierto?
Aghhhh! Los archers se van a trozar a todo el mundo =/
Long bow +1 > Iron Bow +6 :S
Totemic bow +1 > iron bow +8?
No se vale :S Si actualmente un archer con iron bow +8 hace un dmg asqueroso contra magos/bp y asesinos imaginense alguien con Totemic bow +6?
No hay dagas nuevas para rogues por q La shard es la ultima daga disponible! Muchos archers se quejaron de esto en los foros oficiales hace tiempo por q los asesinos tienen sus ultimas dagas y los archers tienen El 5to bow de su clase :S. Y en mi opicion la Dark Vane no es tan buena como muchos se creen! Varios asesinos de ares han dicho q esa opcion de 1 hit ko no sirve. Y perder HP y MP usando una daga no es muy convincete para un rogue! =/
concuerdo contigo... un archer ahora tendria buena ventaja... pero supongo q es cuestion d probar el KE, aver si mis maguitos kedan con tanta desventaja
Que alguien saque una foto de los Treant,...los dos nuevos mob...no los vi en mi etapa en jako y myko...
Bueno el myko si se puede combear normalmente.... y sobre los bows me dijieron que el totemic bow no salia ya que el AP es demasio, pero si lo ponen ya no seria divertido jugar con asesino :(
Pero creo que el que tiene mejor rango de ataque es el Arquero, asi que antes que el mago llegue a su rango de ataque un buen arkero ya le pudo haber dado vuelta.
PD: No nos hagamos ilusiones esto es inmformacion sin confirmar.![]()
:oops: oegan baje el ftp que pusieron de KE y me aparece Version Invalid o si no que no se puede conctar con el server! quien me ayuda y me presta una cuenta! :oops: 8)
:D :D :D :D :D 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
entra desde el exe de la carpeta no desde el acceso
Una consulta la gnt de bloodzone ya tiene un clan para q unirme porq hasta ahora no me encuentro con nadie q hable español la mayoria son turcos y estado unidenses haber manifiestense pss
Ehmm! Estas consciente q es solo un server de BETA TEST no? Y que TODA la data, personajes, lvl TODO sera eliminado? Para q andar buskando clan? Solo juega y unete a cualkier clan q este lvleando! La idea es q juegues y trates de encontrar un bug para reportarlo! >.<Iniciado por MrNuTrIoX
Tengo una duda?, el Knight Empire es como un nuevo server?... esq q va a pasar con toda la data del ko?... se puede hacer transfer?... o simplemente ya no servbira?
porq, supongo q la gran mayoria se va a pasar al KE... y el KO, va a estar desolado... ¿?...
no man es beta, los que juegan es solopa probar, luego los del ko se pasa la transf, al ke y todos juegan ke
Si hay unos items que van a cambiar o a desaparecer entonses........
¿solo desapareceran de la cuenta? o ¿seran reemplazados por otros?
Empieza en Agosto
- Gold Bar and Silver Bar fix.
- Gold Bar taken out from Sundries, Gold Bar can't be purchase from sundries anymore.
- Pink and Green Rice Cake remove from the game.
- Abyss Gem redeem from Miraselth NPC will have chance of getting no item.
- Cursed Scroll fix (will be remove in Knight Ascension, Please take note!).
- Hackshield Updated.
- All free Power Up Scrolls deleted
- Power Up Store officially launch
- Mages and Priest skill description fix.
1. Skill Related
A. Magician Skills Added
Two new skills that are fail-proof when casting will be added for each magic specialty.
B. New Skill Effect
The graphic effects for mage’s LV39 & LV45 skill has been changed.
2. Newly Added System and other Features
1. Change in the Forgotten Temple rules
The entrance fee for the Grade1 Forgotten Temple has been lowered to 100,000 coins.
The Grade2 and Grade1 Forgotten Temple will open at 11PM and 12PM accordingly.
The varieties of monsters have increased and the number of monsters that will appear in the Temple will change according to the number of people that are in the Temple.
2. Confirmation window when selling item
When selling unique, upgrade, event, and power-up items at a store, a confirmation message will appear for you to confirm the transaction before the item is actually sold.
3. Change in the Colony Zone and Lunar Gate rules
People without national points cannot enter the Colony zone any longer.
If you lose all your national points while you are in the Colony zone then you’ll be teleported out of the Colony zone at once.
During Lunar Gate, you’ll no longer receive money for killing users of opposite nation. You’ll receive money and national points when you take over the opposing nation’s Monument.
Your experience point will not be penalized if you’re killed by a player from the opposing nation w/ 0 national point.
4. The cost for teleport increased
5. New intro
The intro has been renewed.
6. New item image
The appearances of unique and high level items have been modified.
The following items have been changed.
[Raptor, Impact, Iron Impact, Deep Scar, Blade Axe, Totemic Spear, Iron Bow, Elixir Staff, Gigantic Axe, Javana Axe, Erenion Staff, Chitin Bow, Scorpion Bow, Enion Bow, Hell Breaker, Smite Hammer]
7. Change in exp point received in a party
The experience point bonuses are same as before. However the points earned will change in the following cases:
Valid Party Member: The party members that are level +8 or –8 from the party leader and +1.5 or –1.5.
Invalid Party Member: Beginner Helper Quest members and Clan Party w/ members with level gap greater than 8.
If the party is formed w/ "Valid Party Member" then the party will receive the full experience point.
If the party is formed w/ "Invalid Party Member" then that party member will not receive the full experience points.
8. Monument in each town has been changed.
The Adonis Continent is economically prosperous due to the return of the King.
This economic boom has affected the towns in each nation, making them to redecorate their monument.
9. The National Point and Ladder Point system will be changed for PvP
The amount earned will differ according to the number of party members. 1 extra party member means 14% extra national point.
10. Addition of Camp
There are campsites in each nation in anticipation of an enemy’s invasion.
The camps are created strategically in the center of each nation. If you lose control of this campsite to the invading nation, then they’ll be able to teleport to this zone easily. The defending nation will be at a great disadvantage if this site is lost. However, if the defending nation is able to hold this site then they’ll be able to gain an important foothold in the war. You can take control of the campsite by taking control of the monument in the campsite.
11. New Quests
-New quests for mid-low level users. Additional quests will be added in the future.
-You can check the new quests by clicking on the Q button on the top left-hand side of the screen.
12. Current weight displayed in the storage UI
13. Relocation of monsters in Abyss Dungeon and Hell Abyss
With the addition of new monster, the location of monsters in Hell Abyss will be changed.
14. Merchant Mode
While in ‘Merchant Mode’ you can type in the command "/merchant" once again in order to change the message that you display.
15. Guardian
The Guardians are monsters that grows in both nations.
The royals tamed these monsters to use them as their body guard pet.
These Guardians are given to the top 3 ranking clan leaders and co leaders of each nation.
-You can buy the Guardian Scroll from the sundries vendor to retrieve the Guardian.
-Guardians can be summoned in any maps except in Dungeon.
-Guardians will only attack enemy nation players.
16. Method for teleporting to Eslant changed
You can now teleport through the warp gate in town.
Exiting from Eslant is the same as before.
17. Monster relocation in the central zone of Colony zone
Atross and Riote will be regenerated in the center of the zone if they wonder off away from their original position.
18. Warrior Skill
Bug fixed where only 1 damage occurred for warrior’s (Outrage) Frenzy skill
19. Lightning Magic bug
Bug fixed for lightning magic. Before, when a user was stunned by a lightning spell, the were able to move immediately by pressing the "E" button.
20. Move key bug
Fixed bug that allowed a user to run at a faster speed using the move key on the key board.
21. Reconnection bug
Fixed bug where the monster didn’t attack back if the user doesn’t move after reconnecting to the game.
22. Bug when invading
Fixed bug that didn’t give national points to those that hunted the NPC in a party during an invasion.
During Lunar Gate, you’ll no longer receive money for killing users of opposite nation. You’ll receive money and national points when you take over the opposing nation’s Monument.
:S tons no se ganaran mas plata matando a gente en lunar? T_T... nps si supongo :roll: ....
pucha, es la unica que no me gusto esa ... ah y la que seran mas caros los tps... de ahi las demas creo que tan todas cool =)))
T0wn3R lvl 64 pathos, T0wn3R lvl 61(priest) edana, cachorra lvl 61(mage) xigenon, adan(assassin) y eva(BP) lvl 60 beramus, T0wn3R lvl 62 cypher (mage).
ex-top 5 ogame, universo 21
19. Lightning Magic bug
Bug fixed for lightning magic. Before, when a user was stunned by a lightning spell, the were able to move immediately by pressing the "E" button.
Esta no me gusta, y si no se puede stonear ¿entoncesla funcion del mago Light cual es? :(
eso de presionar e para quitarte el stone ya hay en el knight actual pero igual es ya q los bastonasos son continuos y puede q salistes del stone pero denuevo t puede stonear y asi asi...
"YO soy un hombre: líder, valiente y constante"
Los límites los creas tú, vence y ATREVETE!
quiere decir que stan arreglando ese bug que te podias mover presionando E, ahora te kedaras stunt hasta q pase el efecto