SkyRedMU Online - The New Great Adventure
Hello, We Want To Present Our Server Which Will Open Next FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 27 -a Fully Dedicated and Serious Server
100% We Have Files 100% Premiun By (X-Team) Which Wants To Say That The Server Is 100% Free Of Errors / Bugs And You Can Have Fun 24 Hours
Of the Day With Your Friends Without Any Problem, It Also Has New Events, New Maps, New Commands and New Boss, All Configured in SLOW mode,
Come and Register Now Don't Let Anyone Tell You!
* Site Web:
* Create Account:
* Dowloads Game
* Version: 1.04E [Season 6]
* Experiencia: 50x [Dinamica]
* Dropeo: 30%
* Reset Nivel: 400
* Resets Puntos: 250
* Deja Stats: NO
* Resets Pricio: 20.000.000
* BlesBug: OFF
* Reconect System: NEW*
* Monster HP: 100%
* Spots: 4/4 HOT SPOTS (5/5 & 6/6)
* Shops: Basicas
* Magic Gladiator: 1 (All Lvl 1)
* Dark Lord: 1 (All Lvl 1)
* Summoner: 1 (All Lvl 1)
* Rage Fighter: 1 (All Lvl 1)
* Jewel Of Soul success rate with luck & without luck: 90% - 70%
* Jewel Of Bless success rate with luck & without luck: 90% - 70%
* Jewel Of Life success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Harmony success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Creation success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Guardian success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Gem Stone success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Refining Low & High success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Chaos successs rate: 80%
* Packing and Unpacking Soul & Bless successs rate: 80%
* Item +10 success: 90%
* Item +11 success: 80%
* Item +12 success: 70%
* Item +13 success: 60%
* Item +14 success: 50%
* Item +15 success: 40%
* /str [Agregas puntos en Fuerza]
* /agi [Agregas puntos en Agilidad]
* /vit [Agregas puntos en Vitalidad]
* /ene [Agregas puntos en Energia]
* /com [Agregas puntos en Comando]
* /guild [Mandas una invitacion a un Clan]
* /post [Escribis por global]
* /party [Te unes a un party]
* /pk [Borras el Pk]
* /ware [Abres tu baul]
* /openware [Abres tu baul a larga distancia] NEW
* /marry [Te casas con otro personaje] NEW
* /store [Abres tu tienda personal] NEW
* /offtrade [Dejas tu tienda personal abierta, pero tu cuenta quedadescoenctada] NEW
* /attack [Atacas automaticamente] NEW
* /offattack [Dejas tu personaje atacando automaticamente, mientras estas desconectado AFK] NEW
* /block [Bloqueas tus items con contraseña] NEW
* /unblock [Desbloqueas tus items con contraseña] NEW
* /pick [Recoges items de forma automatica ejemplo /pick soul o /pick bless] NEW
* /remaster [Borras tu arbol de habilitades] NEW
* /help [Creas un monster que te ayudara a subir de nivel] HOT NEW
* /pack [ejemplo /pack soul 10 o /pack bless 20] NEW
* /unpack [ejemplo /unpack soul 10 o /pack bless 20] NEW
* Battle Soccer: Online
* Blood Castle: Online
* Rabbits Invasion Event: Online
* Castle Siege: Online
* Chaos Castle: Online
* Cherry Blossom: Online
* CryWolf Event: Online
* Devil Square: Online
* Double Goer: Online
* Duel: Online
* Imperial Guardian: Online
* Gens Family: Online
* Golden Archier: Online
* Golden Invacion: Online
* Guild War: Online
* HalloWeen Event: Online
* Happy Hour: Online
* Illucion Temple: Online
* Red Dragon Invasion: Online
* Kalima Event: Online
* Kanturu Event: Online
* Selupan Event: Online
* Loren Deep: Online
* Luck Coin: Online
* Moss The Gambler: Online
* New Year´s Day: Online
* Santa Village: Online
* Sky Event: Online
* Medusa Attack Event: Online
* Swamp Of Peace: Online
* White Wizard: Online
* Custom Monster Event: Online NEW
* King Of Mu: Online NEW
* TvT Event: Online NEW
* Custom Drop Event: Online NEW
* Russia Roulette Event: Online NEW
* Quiz Event: Online NEW
* New Golden Invasion: Online NEW
* Online Lottery: Online NEW
* Ice Queens Invasions: Online NEW
* Hell Spiders Invasions: Online HOT NEW
* Balrog Invasions: Online NEW
* Guilds vs Guilds: Online NEW
* Team vs Team: Online NEW
* Battle Royale: Online NEW