Como ya es costumbre quieren estandarizar todos lo juegos nativamente a 30fps. Y todo este rollo es por las benditas cosolas o disque nueva generacion que sinceramente esta hundiendo o mejor dicho estandarizando los gráficos en los juegos. UBI a traves de MASSIVE ENTERTAINMENT desarrolladora de THE DIVISION abiertamente ha dicho que el juego correra igual en consolas y PC en modo ultra a 30fps, los motivos segun es que a esa frecuencia se apreciaría mejor las detalles y textura del ambiente dando una fidelidad grafica, donde los ambientes mas complejos y destrucción serán extremadamente detallados y que para ellos no es importante los fotogramas.
THE DIVISION, es juego financiado por MS y el contenido sera exclusividad para XBOX ONE. Hasta aqui ya sabemos por este juego de mundo abierto se vera mejor en XBOX ONE.
De la misma manera indican que FC4 correra en ULTRA tanto para consolas y PC.
En fin todo, este rollo es por las ventas que son superiores para consolas, tal como ocurrió con WD.
Hace poco compre el juego MURDERED, para mi muy recomendable, pero bloqueado a 30 fps, buscando en internet logre subirlo a 60 fps, igual DEAD SPACE 3, y ni que decir de DARK SOULS, un juego mal optimizado para PC, pero gracias al dsfix, quedo solucionado.
Ubisoft is in a massive web of trouble right now, with Watch Dogs on PC gimped - to possibly make it not stand out from the next-gen console versions - and now a promise that Far Cry 4 on next-gen consoles will be 'equal' to Ultra High settings on a PC. How can Ubisoft's week get worse? The slightly older news that its upcoming open-world title The Division will be locked to 30FPS.
The reason? Massive Entertainment, the studio developing The Division, didn't want to trade graphic fidelity for frame rate. Massive Entertainment's Managing Director, David Polfeldt, explained the reasoning behind the 30FPS target: "I think we're shooting for 30fps because it's a trade-off, right? Graphical fidelity and immersion are more important to us than the frame rate. If we go for [60fps], we'll have to make a trade-off on fidelity and other things. But because we want to have very, very complex destruction and extremely detailed environments; a complete weather system, full day/night some point you have to make up your mind: where do you invest? And for us, it's going to be 30fps".
Massive's Ryan Barnard also talked with OXM, where he said: "We are at the point where we're focusing on making sure that we have the graphical quality we want across all consoles. Of course, [we have] our partnership with Xbox and all the exclusive content - I don't know when we're going to be talking about the details on that, but there will be goodies for our Xbox customers that they will very much enjoy for The Division".