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Tibetan Monks' Diet Nowadays

Esta es una discusión para el tema Tibetan Monks' Diet Nowadays en el foro Discusión General, bajo la categoría General; In recent years, with the improvement of transportation in Tibet, it's become more and more convenient to be vegetarian. The ...
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    07 jun, 21

    Predeterminado Tibetan Monks' Diet Nowadays

    In recent years, with the improvement of transportation in Tibet, it's become more and more convenient to be vegetarian. The Tibetan eminent monks were very pleased to see that many Han people even Westerners have a vegetarian tradition, so they began to vigorously promote Tibetan Buddhists to be vegetarian. In this case, many Tibetan monks no longer eat meat. This is a good direction because being vegetarian can reduce the suffering of sentient beings and reduce the chances of sentient beings causing evil karma. Now, all the food served in the scripture halls of the top three monasteries(Ganden, Drepung, and Sera) are vegetarian, and all the people attending the Kalachakra empowerment puja also should have vegetarian.
    The diet of the Gelug Sect is not invariable. In major Buddhist events and religious ceremonies, the combination of monk diet is very distinctive. Let's take the Qinghai Kumbum Monastery as an example. When an abbot inaugurates, there is usually a large banquet, and the seats are basically arranged according to the height of the monk's position and rank. In front of them, there are small square tables and small strip tables with tea and fruit delicacies, such as round fried dough, pancake, rock candy, sugars, raisins, walnuts, apples, pears and so on.

  2. #2
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 mar, 21

    Predeterminado Re: Tibetan Monks' Diet Nowadays

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    05 may, 21

    Predeterminado Re: Tibetan Monks' Diet Nowadays

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  4. #4
    Fecha de ingreso
    21 sep, 22

    Predeterminado Re: Tibetan Monks' Diet Nowadays

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