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Nvidia Next-Gen Pascal HBM 2.0 § 14 nm

Esta es una discusión para el tema Nvidia Next-Gen Pascal HBM 2.0 § 14 nm en el foro Discusión General, bajo la categoría General; En la actualidad Nvidia esta dominando el mercado de las VGA con la geforce GTX 960, GTX 970, GTX 980 ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Avatar de IPP32
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 nov, 09
    Lima - Saudi Arabia - Dammam

    Predeterminado Nvidia Next-Gen Pascal HBM 2.0 § 14 nm

    En la actualidad Nvidia esta dominando el mercado de las VGA con la geforce GTX 960, GTX 970, GTX 980 y GTX Titan.
    AMD ya tiene todo listo para lanzar al mercado su nueva Radeon R9 390X, el cual deberá llegar con su tecnologia HBM 1.0, pero Nvidia esta empezando a hablar acerca de su arquitectura PASCAL que debera también llegar en algún momento del 2016 como PK 100 y PK 104. Jen-Hsun Huang, NVIDIAs CEO y co-fundador dijo durante su ultimo reporte financiero que la arquitectura PASCAL deberá llegar con HBM 2.0 con un ancho de banda de memoria disponible de 300GB/s o bien hasta un enorme 1.2TB/s.
    Mientras AMD ya trabaja en su próxima generación como la R9 490X y que podría usar HBM 2.0 sobre los 1TB/s de ancho de banda de memoria.
    Nvidia ya esta pensado en la tecnologia FinFET de 14 nm. ¿Pero que hay entonces del futuro de la tarjetas geforce?, deberán ser radicalmente pequeñas, con un enfriamiento altamente eficiente y super rápidas.

    Se debera saber mas de Pascal finalizando el 2015 o comienzos del 2016.


    NVIDIA teases next-gen Pascal-based GeForce with HBM2, 14nm and more

  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de IPP32
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 nov, 09
    Lima - Saudi Arabia - Dammam

    Predeterminado Re: Nvidia Next-Gen Pascal HBM 2.0 § 14 nm


    Proxima genearacion de nvidia sera de 32GB de Vram, litografia de 16nm y HBM 2.0.
    La diferencia tambien va estar en el tamaño de la siguiente generacion al parecer no sera mas grande que un lapicero.

    Posibilidades de 2 versiones 16 GB y 32 GB. Posible fecha de salida Q1 2016.

    Right now we have GM200, with the 'M' standing for Maxwell, so the GP100 and its 'P' standing for Pascal. Pascal is NVIDIA's next generation architecture, with the GPU being built on the 16nm process. Not only will Pascal be baked onto 16nm, but it will arrive with support for HBM2 memory, which should see memory bandwidth scaling up to an insane 1.2TB/sec or 1200GB/sec. Considering the GeForce GTX 980 Ti has 336GB/sec, the GTX 1080 Ti (or whatever NVIDIA calls it) could have up to 1.2TB/sec bandwidth, a near 400% increase in memory bandwidth alone.

    The news is coming from a source on the Beyond3D forums who says that the 'big Pascal' chip (GP100) has been taped out on TSMC's 16nm process, with a 'target release' window of Q1 2016. We don't know if this is true or not, but I would be pretty sure that NVIDIA is playing around with Pascal right now. I've asked many of my NVIDIA sources about Pascal, 16nm and HBM2 and all I get back are smiles... we should be more excited about the next-gen GPU from NVIDIA than any other release from the company, ever.

    16nm is going to really let NVIDIA stretch its legs, HBM2 is going to usher in the largest jump in memory bandwidth NVIDIA has ever had by 300-400% and the Pascal architecture - well, we don't even know what to expect from Pascal. Maxwell introduced many new technologies when it was revealed, but the performance and power consumption side of it was the best work NVIDIA has ever done, so I have very high hopes for Pascal.

    We should also expect to see between 16GB and 32GB of HBM2-based VRAM to be offered on the new Pascal-based cards, where I'm sure NVIDIA will up the Titan X 2 (that's what I'm calling it for now) to 32GB from the 12GB of VRAM found on Titan X. I think we'll see the GP104 (the smaller chip) arrive as the GeForce GTX 1080, but I'm going to throw this rumor out there: the numbering system will change for this generation. I've just explained above how this is the most important release from NVIDIA ever, with 16nm, HBM2, new architecture and more - so start getting excited, folks!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    11 oct, 07

    Predeterminado Re: Nvidia Next-Gen Pascal HBM 2.0 § 14 nm

    si efectivamente es como dicen entonces las PC serían efectivamente ya capaces de correr juegos en 4k todo en ultra. Buenas noticias :D.

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