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Estafas por mail- HOTELES reservaciones

Esta es una discusión para el tema Estafas por mail- HOTELES reservaciones en el foro Discusión General, bajo la categoría General; Bueno les cuento yo estoy encargo de responder via mail las reservacion, preguntas etc que pide la gente atraves de ...
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  1. #1
    STEAM Moderador Avatar de Tio Ganzua
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 sep, 01

    Predeterminado Estafas por mail- HOTELES reservaciones

    Bueno les cuento yo estoy encargo de responder via mail las reservacion, preguntas etc que pide la gente atraves de mi pagina web de mi hospedaje, ya desde el mes de Febrero me estan llegando reservaciones estafadoras. aki les dejo como son todas estan en ingles.

    I AM Resells IT Pasteur kone lamine , Of the CHURCH BAPTIST OF the FULL GOSPEL.

    I would like to thus organize a voyage in your area with 4 members of my church for a seminar I send this email to you.

    Can you accomodate us in your buildings. If so, from the 05/04/08, and I will communicate my N° of credit card to you, so that you can take the amount for the reservation.

    Also, can you establish me the estimate of the hiring + (in option pension supplements) of the 05/04/08 to the 20/04/08.

    As of reception of this estimate, I will communicate my N° of credit card to you, so that you can output the amount and assure me the reservation.

    Can you send if possible the estimate today to me.
    Please communicate N° to me on which I will be able to join to you.

    I received your message and I thank you.
    For me reservation us tenon has to give you the dates of arrived.

    Go back to arrived in your Country: 05/04/08
    Our returns in our Country is: 20/04/08
    Please assure me my reservation and for my assistance that I address to you below.

    Aqui empiensa lo raro

    PS: I ask you also for a service: I.e. on the level of the payment of the plane tickets, I wish occasion consequently that you regulate the travel agency which deals with our tickets.

    I.e. you will take on my N° of credit card the note of reservation and the sum of 1500 euros for our tickets and to forward them by Western Union mandate to the agency TRAVELS INTER which I will communicate the coordinates to you.
    There in fact, we have a reduction with this agency and envisaged to regulate our tickets. Moreover, we are currently in Morocco for a conference, from there we will set out again directly in your country.

    Thus you made us an estimate of the rooms including the 1500 euros for the agency.
    We ask you moreover to render this service to us, because the travel agency does not have a terminal of remote taking away, if not, we will have forwarded to them our N° of credit cards… I remind to you that knowing that this is not your activity, we offer a commission of 750 € to you euro for this service.

    Receptions of the estimate, I will forward to you my credit cards so that you draw to output the various sums.
    On standby to read you,

    kone lamine.
    You can join to me

    Aunque al principio parece un mail normal al final es todo confuso. en un mail anterior que respondi porque como me llegan, junto con reservaciones de clientes extrangeros (conocidos)los respondi ; te mando casi el mismo problema aki esta:


    Thanks for the bookings & confirmations .The total cost of the accommodation is quite okay by me and i'm ready to pay the bills . Also want you to help me Charge another 4500 $ to a travel agent who has issued my guests air flight ticket to your hotel.

    The 4500 $ that will be sent to the agent is for the ticket fare for my guests which will be deduct from my credit card.Also, i'm compesating you with the sum of 500 $ for the transfer fee and for your efforts. Please note that i should have given the travel agency my credit card for him to deduct the ticket funds but he told me that he doesn't have the facilities to charge or debit credit card , so that's why i bring my vote of confidence in you and i dont want you to betray the vote of confidence i put in you so i want you to transfer the funds to him after you have make the charges after the money charge from my credit card has enters your account you can now make the transfer to the agent via western union. So, the charges you'll make on my credit card will be:

    Accomodation fee [$ 1020 ]
    Agent fee with shipping fare (4500 $)
    Your own Commssion (500 $)
    Total amount to charge :$ 6020

    Note that my credit card will be charged for the amounts above. Please do get back to me if you are in the office right now so that i can forward my credit card details to you , then you can charge full amount and transfer the agent funds to him via western union.

    kind regards

    --- RESPUESTA de mi Hospedaje----

    Hello Tracy

    I have avalible rooms for this days 20-25 may 2008, and this is the cost for each person:

    $68 per night doble room (suites senior) x 5 night = $340 for person inclu. AMERICAN Breakfast

    $340 Ben Lala
    $340 Ashley More
    $340 Susan Martins
    $1020 Total

    We accept VISA.
    Última edición por Tio Ganzua; 29/03/2008 a las 14:59

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