Polosatiy: Hello, please introduce yourself.
SpawN: Hi, my name is Abdisamad Mohamed and im 17 years old. I live in Sweden with my parents.
Polosatiy: When did you first encounter computer games and Counter-Strike?
SpawN: For like 2 years ago. Counter-Strike was my first pc game i've ever played seriously.
Polosatiy: Please tell us your clan history and awards.
SpawN: I've started play for XiSM with some friends. After that i joined Matrix and that was when a became bigger and bigger. After Matrix i started to play with Ahl and Fisker from SK in a clan called team9/mTw/2easy and now im curruntly standin for SK here in WCG.
Polosatiy: What do you think about Counter-Strike 1.6 and CS's future?
SpawN: Well have played 1.6 for like 30 minutes so really i dont know, but i can guess that everyone hates the new shield :P.
Polosatiy: Your future plans, stick to CS or try some other game like WC3 or Doom or UT?
SpawN: I'm gonna of course stick to only CS thats for sure.
Polosatiy: How do you find Korea so far? Player's village, level of organisation, Korean chicks?
SpawN: It's very beautiful here and everything is very cheep. The organisation have been kinda okej too, little bit delay etc. Never been in a event without delays soo thats fine with. haha koreans chicks are very tiny but cute.
Polosatiy: What can you say about Russian CS scene? Any comments?
SpawN: Hmm dont know that much but Forze had a really nice aim!
Polosatiy: Future plans after Korea?
SpawN: None for me this far, as i said im just a standin.
Polosatiy: You are playing in one of the best team of the whole World, do you feel a little star-sick?
SpawN: hehe no not at all, its fun!
Polosatiy: Can you say what your dream-team will be like? Just put 5 best players in one team and define your picks.
SpawN: bds, fisker, ahl, HeatoN, Potti and elemeNt.
Polosatiy: What do you think about cybersport's future?
SpawN: I think it will be bigger! thats what i think.
Polosatiy: CPL vs WCG, which one is better and why?
SpawN: Both are really nice big thanks to them.
Polosatiy: Much people thinking you were invited to SK for WCG only so will Element play instead you after wcg finished?
SpawN: It was dicided before hand that i was to play with SK only for WCG.
Polosatiy: Final shout outs?
SpawN: Big thanks to WCGand i hope ill be here next year! Thanks for the interview and have a nice day, bye.