... Element tambien entrará en la cochinada gay ?
Será que los mejores jugadores resultan ser chimbayos ?
... será que estoy hablando webadas ? :lol: *... no me respondan![]()
Esta es una discusión para el tema Element se une a los SK.swe en el foro Discusión General, bajo la categoría General; ... Element tambien entrará en la cochinada gay ?
Será que los mejores jugadores resultan ser chimbayos ?
... será ...
Página: 3
... Element tambien entrará en la cochinada gay ?
Será que los mejores jugadores resultan ser chimbayos ?
... será que estoy hablando webadas ? :lol: *... no me respondan![]()
Se soban el miembro :P:PTa ke Brinchis esos patas, no me imagino cual sera cu kabala antes de un match.... QUE ASCOOOOOOO.......!!!!!!!!
(no malpiensen) me refiero a que calientan sus muñecas con unos movimientos circulares. :P
Yo pensé que eran un toque amanerados pero nada mas :o . Heaton hace como si no pasara nada... y Fisker... sin comentarios :roll:
JuSt WiN.
Oh si la maracuyada :P !!!!
Maricas y juegan bien.. ke asco me da.. FO!
I am The Terror That Flaps in the Night.....
[ch0s3n] Clan Member / Leader
Gaming Services LatinAmerica - Former General Manager
Hoy dia salio publicada la entrevista a SK|ElemenT lo pueden leer aqui http://www.schroet.com/news.php?id=3985 :o .
Plata plata plata, uota ya no se juega por diversión, pinches ambiciosos capitalistas, explotadores, cerdos, traidores, le quitan la gracia a cualquier juego, ya no hay amor por la camiseta ... aaahhhhhhh
Que se los lleve la chingana... y ojalá se enfermen y no puedan gozar de sus pinches verdes
El 98% de los adoleScentes ha usado drogas. Si tu eres parte del otro 2% ¡COPIA ESTA FIRMA Y RIÁMONOS DEL 98% de FRACASADOS SIN FUTURO!!! xD!
suerte a element y ojala ke con el le ganen a 3D :P
oe drackiro sacate esas 2 mollejas ke tienes el la car :D
lol potti parece un won d axe bahia! :P
[Sin-Clan] CarLeR <mEtRoId>
Para no crear otra vainilla parecida:
Ahora es momento de 3D!
I am The Terror That Flaps in the Night.....
[ch0s3n] Clan Member / Leader
Gaming Services LatinAmerica - Former General Manager
:o :o :o parece que esta de moda la agarrada de huevo entre gamers!!!
La semana que viene les enseno una foto de 2 peruanos. :lol: :lol:
HEY!!! Did you really give some thought to what you just did???
Ellos no son los 3D jejjee ...pero tb se les chorrea el helado. Todas esas fotos las pueden ver en la pagina de 3D www.team3d.net entran a la seccion de fotos y listo, tambien hay una aventura mas de FiskerIniciado por NoobZaibot
Hablando con mi jefe (gringo)
Corry, you like japanesse music?
Corry: I liked when we bomb them LOL
Entrevista a Element
Mas informacion www.gotfrag.comGotFrag: Hello, please introduce yourself to our readers.
SK|ElemenT: Yo, my name is Ola Moum, I'm 17 and I live in Norway. I've played Counter-Strike for a bit more than 2 years now. I currently play in Schroet Kommando.
GotFrag: Schroet Kommando recently won CPL Summer 2003 undefeated, taking down top teams such as Team 9 and 3D in the process. How did it finally feel to win an event after two consectutive 2nd place finishes with GoL?
SK|ElemenT: It felt nice! Great to finally win Dallas, which is the #1 event of the year! I hope to experience something like that again, feels great that the time we spent to prepare paid off.
GotFrag: How long did SK prepare? Rumor has it that you were only playing with them for about two weeks before the event.
SK|ElemenT: That's true, before ESWC we hardly played together because I went to Italy for one week and when I came back we had 2 days to prepare for the event. After ESWC, we contacted HLO who were great to allow us to sit in their cafe even though they already had 2 other clans there from before! Thanks a lot HLO, you helped us reach our goal!
GotFrag: What happened with the role of captain within the clan? Why are you now captain of the team instead of Potti?
SK|ElemenT: Well, to be honest, SK's tactics weren't really that impressive, but after playing with XeqtR in eoL, I learned a lot. We decided to let me handle tactics and way of playing, to use some money control, but still combine it with some "samba CS", so spectators will still enjoy watching us!
GotFrag: Speaking of XeqtR, is it true that you two don't get along very well? What do you think of him as a player and as a person?
SK|ElemenT: I learned a lot from him and respect him very much, so I don't want to go into what happend in the time we played together.
GotFrag: Why did you leave GoL ! eoL? At the time, they were the best clan in the world, even better than SK. What made you go to SK?
SK|ElemenT: There were some internal problems in GoL ! eoL and I also thought it would be really fun to play with fisker and ahl.
GotFrag: What's happening with brunk at the current moment? Will he remain in SK as an active player?
SK|ElemenT: Yes, the reason why he didn't play in Dallas was because he had lost his faith and was quite depressed, in addition to some stuff that happend at ESWC. In my opinion, we did what we thought was best for the team.
GotFrag: In your match against 3D, you were camping behind a box outside of the far bombsite during a half-eco for SK. You took down a few 3D players and really turned the match in SK's favor. Do you think this was the defining play that ensured SK's victory?
SK|ElemenT: Every round is as important as any other round, but if we had lost that round we would have to do an eco and then 3D would have a tie at least. So, maybe it was a turning point, but without Potti taking those 2 guys on balcony we would have lost that round anyway.
GotFrag: How did you feel during the match against TAU on de_cpl_mill where you went 21-3, winning an award from GotFrag? What was going through your head?
SK|ElemenT: Hehe, I realized that the Americans don't know de_cpl_mill as good as we Euros think they do, and that our practice on the map had paid off! So it felt great, the stats were just a bonus! ;)
GotFrag: How would you compare American and European clans? The Europeans took 4 out of the top 5 spots, in addition to the all-Swedish finals.
SK|ElemenT: I'd say that you have a better chance of becoming good in Europe than America because you have much better internet services around here. You can also play against the best all the time without ping being a problem. I think the best Euro clans have thought their tactics out better than the normal American teams, except 3D, who have very well thought-out tactics.
GotFrag: So what's next for SK? Will you be competing in any online leagues or LAN competitions in the near future?
SK|ElemenT: Not me atleast, I will only play SEL for SK now, my next tournament ain't before November, which suck ass. WCG Qualifier is next for SK, but I'm not Swedish so I can't participate.
GotFrag: Is there any unique advice you can offer to your fans in order to improve their game?
SK|ElemenT: Hmm, I'd say watch demos from high rated players, I learned a lot from that. Also, practice and be dedicated to your team.
GotFrag: Alright, thanks for your time, any last words/shoutouts?
SK|ElemenT: Shoutout to D!E|CuZ-1H, #teamdie please support them! Thanks to Intel and all our sponsors for sponsoring us, and <3 ash. Also, don't forget to drop nola a visit! Visit www.schroet.com, and if you're a SK fan, sign up for SK Insider and get lots of SK goodies! It can be quite helpful for gamers who'd like to get better! Lastly, thanks for doing the interview!
HEY!!! Did you really give some thought to what you just did???
Pera toy revelando tu foto chapando con Rambito. :lol:Iniciado por *Aragorn*
HEY!!! Did you really give some thought to what you just did???
yo pienso que esta mal porque yo no hay diversion si no plata de por medio :S espero que esto no cambie como dijeron por ahi ya se parece al football :)
Melaaaaaaaaaaa pa ke nos delatas te la dimos a ti no mas porke eres nuestro pata pero nadie mas debe saber
Aragan :D