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Anunciado Windows Vista SP1 y Windows XP SP3

Esta es una discusión para el tema Anunciado Windows Vista SP1 y Windows XP SP3 en el foro Discusión General, bajo la categoría General; Microsoft ha anunciado a la comunidad Beta Testing que el Windows Vista Service Pack 1 estará disponible para ser testeado, ...
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  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    28 ene, 05
    ** noctambul

    Predeterminado Anunciado Windows Vista SP1 y Windows XP SP3

    Microsoft ha anunciado a la comunidad Beta Testing que el Windows Vista Service Pack 1 estará disponible para ser testeado, y su lanzamiento público para el 2008. Al igual ocurrirá con el Windows XP Service Pack 3.

    La beta ocupará 50MB, pero cuando sea lanzado tendrá un tamaño de 1GB (la cual soportará todas las plataformas de Windows Vista y todos los idiomas).


  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de sjrm
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 05
    Lima, Peru, Peru

    Predeterminado Re: Anunciado Windows Vista SP1 y Windows XP SP3

    Algunas noticias gracias al blog :

    1. Ya se puede descargar el SP1 por torrent
    2. El SP1 trae una utilidad para cear un Recovery Disk (en Cd o DVD)
    3. No abrá barra de búsqueda en el Menú Inicio con SP1. Espero que Google Desktop y/o Copernic sepan aprovechar esto.
    Become who you were born to be - Elrond

    C2D E8400 | Intel DP35DPM | SuperTalent 2x1Gb 800 + OCZ 2x2Gb 800 | Gigabyte GT 730 1Gb | SATA Kingston HyperX Fury SSD120Gb + (Seagate) 1TB + WD 1Tb Ext. | ASUS DRW 1418BLT DL LightScribe SATA | LG LCD 19''L1952TX | CoolerMaster 500W | Case Foxconn TLA ... Windows 10 Pro x64 Insider

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de Solidus J2K
    Fecha de ingreso
    03 dic, 04

    Predeterminado Re: Anunciado Windows Vista SP1 y Windows XP SP3

    Microsoft releases KB941649 hotfix which "improves the compatibility, reliability, and stability of Windows Vista"

    When people talk about Windows Vista these days, two things often come to mind: the perceived inferiority to the six-year-old Windows XP operating system (which also just happened to get a new lease on life) and what Service Pack 1 (SP1) will bring to the table as far as improvements are concerned.

    In the mean time, Microsoft is proceeding with continual improvements to Windows Vista ahead of the official release of SP1. Microsoft yesterday released a new hotfix, KB941649, which "improves the compatibility, reliability, and stability of Windows Vista."

    KB941649 address the following issues:

    It extends the battery life for mobile devices.

    It improves the stability of portable computers and of desktop computers that use an uninterruptable power supply (UPS).

    It improves the reliability of Windows Vista when you open the menu of a startup application.

    It improves the stability of Internet Explorer when you open a Web page.

    It improves the stability of wireless network services.

    It shortens the startup time of Windows Vista by using a better timing structure.

    It shortens the recovery time after Windows Vista experiences a period of inactivity.

    It shortens the recovery time when you try to exit the Photos screen saver.

    It improves the stability of Windows PowerShell.

    A compatibility issue that affects some third-party antivirus software applications.

    A reliability issue that occurs when a Windows Vista-based computer uses certain network driver configurations.

    If you're running Windows Vista it might be wise to install this latest hotfix to see if it may fix some of your OS woes.

    Updated 10/4/2007
    Microsoft just sent an email to beta testers informing them that a beta of Windows XP SP3 is now available for download. The update weighs in at 1,037.24 MB. No other details are available on the update.

    AMD FX-8320 @ 4.4GHz + TT NiC C4 | Asus M5A99X EVO R2 | Corsair Vengeance 2x4GB DDR3 1866Mhz | MSI Gaming R9-290 @ 1120/1400 | LG D2343P 23'' 3D | CM HAF XB-EVO + Antec HCG-900W | Seagate 2x1TB + 1x500GB | Razer Lycosa Mirror + Razer Imperator 2012.

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