Le escribí al staff de WinACE para que me indiquen como desinstalar el XAce Plus...Iniciado por Renegado
acá el mail..
"In order to keep the XAce Plus distribution as small as possible, no
automatic uninstaller has been included.
To remove XAce Plus from your system, follow these steps:
- Run XAce Plus
- Go to the options
- Make sure that "Use in Explorer Shell Extension (context menu)" and
"Associate [..] files with XAce (doubleclick)" are unchecked for all for
tabs (Ace, Zip, Rar and MS-Cab files).
- Quit XAce Plus (if running).
- Delete the XAce Plus program folder
XAce Plus has now been removed from your computer.
Best regards
Marc Beckersjuergen
e-merge GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 157-159
48153 Muenster
fon +49 (0)251 430 00
fax +49 (0)251 430 52
[email protected]