si mal no recuerdo el kaillera utiliza unos plug-ins determinados esta informacion esta en el readme
Known issues:
- When open the kaillera window, the following plugins will be loaded:
Jabo's Direct3D7 1.40 (Jabo_Direct3D7.dll)
Azimer's Audio v0.30 (Old Driver) (AudioHLE.dll)
- Use of controllers' plugins (mempak, rumblepak, etc) is not compatible for netplay games.
- Adaptoid's plugin doesn't work online, although the adaptoid can be used with Jabo's plugin.
- The emulator crashes if the kaillera window is closed while an online game is being played =(
- Desynchronization may occur (although is not very common), so try ending the emulation and starting the game again if this happens.
PD: entren al sauron server pes, ahh jugar SMASHH !!!!