Alguien ya ha visto o jugado el juego "Demon's Souls" de ATLUS , acabo de leer el review del mismo en meristation tanto de la web como el review de los usuarios y desperto mi inquietud , luego busque videos en youtube y me ha gustado , me recuerda los antiguos rpg de la vieja escuela , juegos que eran duros de pasar pero en esa esta la gracia y la satisfacción.
Luego de investigar un poco , lei q el juego sera lanzado el 6 de octubre en USA y ya fue lanzado en Japón.
Aqui el intro y algunos bosses :
Atentos a la parte final de este video:!
Aqui algunos reviews de miembros de IGN que al parecer importaron el juego:
Demon's Souls:
These reader reviews provide additional perspectives on this game. Provide your own feedback on the game and write a review.
Overall Score Trust Rating Author Date Posted
10.0 2 1 Billyjunxix Jun 3, 2009
"Suffice to say Demons Souls is one of the most satisfying game I ever played.
Suffice to say Demons Souls is one of the most satisfying game I ever played for a very long time. This game is like a piece of art that would never fade away as time goes by as it would only make..." [Full Review]
10.0 1 1 SayWord13 May 21, 2009
best rpg ever
"Regardless what you hear about this game... in my opinion has to be one of the best rpgs ever made. It was made with such love and care that the game shines because of it. All i really want to say is..."[Full Review]
8.6 1 0 amirmercury May 10, 2009
Very very hard RPG game!
"I am a fan of RPG/Action RPG game so I ordered asian version of Demon's Soul with english audio and subtext.I got it yesterday's morning and started playing it at night and man...never ever in my..."[Full Review]
10.0 0 0 CorporealTwoBells May 15, 2009
Massive Sleeper Hit, without a shadow of a doubt this is the best PS3 game yet.
"It takes a lot to impress old TB when it comes to games but Demon's Souls does it in spades. Atmosphere, a fully fleshed-out world, mature plot, combat animation, item upgrades,, excellent sound..." [Full Review]
10.0 0 0 aesrunner Jul 27, 2009
Finally an old school RPG for this generation!
"After reading some of the rave reviews for this game I decided to import it to Canada from Play-Asia. I am a 35 year old experienced gamer who feels like I've finally found a game that truly captures..." [Full Review]
9.3 0 0 davetrotteruk Jul 20, 2009
"the best game i have ever played and i dont like RPGS
This is seariously the best game i have ever played. i have just had to sell my asian/english version of the game so i can fund my import of the US deluxe edition. and i look at my PS3 collection..." [Full Review]
9.6 0 0 Ashenin Jul 27, 2009
Amazing PS3 RPG, but I wish everyone could jab at this!
"This game is totally slick. I've seen hundreds of videos and may even import from Asia instead of waiting for the NA release, but that has yet to be decided. What has been decided, and without pause..." [Full Review]
10.0 0 0 dise55555 May 8, 2009
Oh my god
"I haven't beaten because its so hard and l like that about the game its very challenging the graphics are really good and the effects so far are above average but i still haven't seen it all the..." [Full Review]
Seguire muy atentamente este juego , ya que de por si me ha encandilado. :D !