Namco Bandai is readying a PlayStation 3 conversion of the popular Saint Seiya manga and anime. Revealed in a two page spread in this month's issue of V Jump, the PS3 game is titled "Saint Seiya Senki" (which could perhaps be translated as Saint Seiya Chronicle).
Jump describes the adaptation's genre as "cinematic melee action." The various Saints will be facing off against countless enemies. Characters confirmed or the game include Cygnus Hyoga, Dragon Shiryu, Andromeda Shun, Pegasus Seiya and Phoenix Ikki.
While there are no gameplay specifics yet, Jump does mention that as you fight, you'll see messages from your fellow saints, shown at the bottom of the screen.
A release is set for this Fall.
Bueno hay que esperar un trailer o mas info acerca del estilo del juego ya que no esta muy claro, aca dice que es un "cinematic melee action" asi que no se como es, este juego sale mas o menos en Octubre aunque la nota no dice si es para japon o usa o mundial, ojala este juego sea decente no como los de ps2 que a mi no me gustaron nadita.
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