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como se upgradea los items?

Esta es una discusión para el tema como se upgradea los items? en el foro Cabal Online, bajo la categoría RPG & MMORPG; esta pregunta puede resultar a algunos muy tonta pero, es que recien estoy empezando en esto, como el cabal esta ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Avatar de SCtoji
    Fecha de ingreso
    28 nov, 06

    Predeterminado como se upgradea los items?

    esta pregunta puede resultar a algunos muy tonta pero, es que recien estoy empezando en esto, como el cabal esta en portugues solo entiendo 2/3 de lo que dicen.

    quisiera saber con que piedras se le da atributos y con piedras se le sube de nivel ? gracias por la comprension :P
    ...noobie con Skype!! :D

    [NVL]pepelizo .....sigue adelante!

  2. #2
    Terra Admin Avatar de Dohko
    Fecha de ingreso
    28 nov, 06

    Predeterminado Re: como se upgradea los items?

    Alienware M17x Laptop- 3D

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de SCtoji
    Fecha de ingreso
    28 nov, 06

    Predeterminado Re: como se upgradea los items?

    pero no entiendo esa tabla, y no explica como se upgradea los items, solo ponerle atributos.
    ...noobie con Skype!! :D

    [NVL]pepelizo .....sigue adelante!

  4. #4
    Terra Admin Avatar de Dohko
    Fecha de ingreso
    28 nov, 06

    Predeterminado Re: como se upgradea los items?

    Ah, bueno, los q dicen "upgrade core" son para eso, upgradear tu item (de +0 a +1, y asi) lo cual lleva a subir su defensa, defensa rate, ataque u otra habilidad del item, los "force core" son para darle atributo.

    Aqui un texto en ingles mas detallado:

    Know your cores:

    As your adventuring through the levels you'll come across different types of core drops - Low Cores - Medium Cores - Upgrade Core (Highs) - Upgrade Core (Highest) and Force Cores. You can always tell if a core has dropped as it will make a 'bling' noise as it falls to the ground, a noise i love to hear

    Cores basically add stats to your weapons and armours - low, med, high and highest upgrade cores add +'s to your equipment making them stronger or more defensive (stats go upto +7), whereas a force core adds a special attribute to slotted equipment like HP + 50.

    Below is an explaination of each core so you know how to use them properly and not waste them.

    Be careful when using cores on equipment which is +4 or higher,

    if fail to upgrade to +6 your item will go back down to +3
    if fail to upgrade to +7 your item will go back to Zero.

    * Low Core:
    Low cores are used for increasin stats on low grade equipment, they cannot be used on equipment like Titanium so if you want to practise using a core, practise with this one. Unequip your item your upgrading, right click on the Low Core and then left click on the item, if its successful it will tell you so and your item will now be +1.
    * Medium Core:
    Medium cores are used for increasin stats on Titanium or lower graded equipment and are used the same way as a Low Core.
    * Upgrade Core High:
    Red cores are used for increasin stats on the high grade equipment and shouldnt be used on low grade weapon or armour. Osmium, Shadowtitanium etc, are what you need to be saving and using Red Cores on, anything else is waste. Just like Low and Med Cores, right click to use.
    * Upgrade Core Highest:
    The most rarest of the cores and white in appearance, can be used to upgrade Mythril grade equipment.
    * Force Core:
    Unlike the other cores you can only use force cores on items which are slotted and you have to go to the 'Core Alchemist' to use them.

    De la guia para novatos :
    Alienware M17x Laptop- 3D

  5. #5
    Member Avatar de Hipnos
    Fecha de ingreso
    10 may, 08

    Predeterminado Re: como se upgradea los items?


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