[Weekly Inspection] Weekly Server Inspection Extension
Date : 4/2/2007
inquiry : 25136
Hello. This is Silkroad Online.
We are sorry for extension of server inspection. We will restore the loss time in cash items(ie. Gold/Silver time, Pets).
We will try to return this server to normal operation as soon as possible.
We apologize once again for the inconvenience in game play.
- New server Persia to be opened
Que creen se demoraron en abrir el server
Hoy 3 de Abril la inspección se demorará mas tiempo. Por ahora, no se sabe cuanto.
Pero aseguran que van a terminar lo más pronto posible.
// Ya se puede entrar a silkroad
// Nuevo server Persia abierto hoy 03/04
New Server Persia Opens
Date : 4/2/2007
inquiry : 3481
Hello. This is Silkroad Online.
Silkroad's 18th server, Persia, will open on April 3rd, 2007 Silkroad Standard Time.
Server Name: Persia
Open Date: 4/3/2007 Silkroad Standard Time
We hope you welcome this new server to the Silkroad Online community and enjoy the new experiences there.