Bueno, despues de fallidos intentos y de que me BORREN guias por " falta de espacio" , esta sera la que se quedara y sera fuente de conocimientos para las generaciones =D , les traigo una guia de calidad y comenzare diciendo las partes buenas y malas de este heroe
+Muy fuerte al principio y muchos combos.
+Una buena cargadora de objetos DPS.
+Si apuntas bien, tendras un stun muy largo.
+Facil de obtener First Blood con compañero.
+Tu ulti ayudara a cazar, escapar y salvar compàñeros.
-Poca vida.
-Aveces es dificil de apuntar.
-Depende de tener una buena base al principio
bueno ahora pasemos a los skills:

Sends star lazers down on the enemy. If an enemy is within 600 AoE, it's 100% chance it's hit, but if it's outside of that, but within 900 AoE, it's a 60% chance it will hit them. One random enemy unit within 200 AoE will get hit again for half the damage.
Extremely strong attack, and it's your staple nuke that works in most situations, but I wouldn't use it early-game unless it's for harassing/hero-killing, as it's fairly mana-intensive to spam for farming, and will in fact worsen your farming capabilities, as AoE spells push creeps back further. If you wanna farm, just last-hit well.
Many people have been talking with me about whether I should condone farming with Starfall or not. For me, it's a really big thing to not use it for farming very often. You can use it to clear a wave every once in awhile, of course, but I'm not a big fan of using it to hop around the map starfalling each lane, etc. The reason is because it wastes mana which you don't have a lot of until your Skadi, even with your point booster, and because it's a 12 second cooldown. You, the reader, has to decide how to use this to farm, however, as it's most personal preference. Using it in a smart way and not running yourself completely out of mana is a plus, by the way.
Level 1 - 75 damage per wave. 100 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - 150 damage per wave. 120 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - 225 damage per wave. 140 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Level 4 - 300 damage per wave. 160 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Bueno debo remarcar aca, este skill ser para molestar y crepear y tal vez en situaciones contra multiples jugadores
Elune's Arrow

PoTM's ownage disable. Can be hard to aim. It's a lot like hook in that targetting the enemy hero will probably never work unless they're standing still. It hits invisible units for damage, but won't stun them. It has a 2600 range. Stun duration increases based on how far the target is, ranging from 0.5 to 5 seconds. The stun time increases .5 seconds for each 100 range it moves, for a maximum of 5 seconds at 1000 range. Gives sight around the arrow, but not true sight.
Level 1 - Deals 90 damage. 100 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - Deals 180 damage. 100 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - Deals 270 damage. 100 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Level 4 - Deals 360 damage. 100 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
O SI!!! tu herramienta de matanza, esto, sera lo mas molesto si es que das de lejos!!! si estas muy lejos y le cae al heroe te dara suficiente tiempo como para que tu y tus compañeros se lo coman vivo al heroe =D
Sorta like blink, sorta not. Allies near the area you land in will be buffed with movespeed gain also. Makes her invulnerable while she's leaping, and can be used while you're in black hole to get out of it. You leap in the direction you're facing, and the movespeed is added when you land.
Leap is an awesome spell because it's such a useful spell in many different situations. All damage dealt to your while you're actually flying through the air is nulled out, and it gives you a huge range of travel. While it's not as good as blink in that enemies can see where you leaped to
Moonlight Shadow
Turns Nightshade and all allied heroes invisible. If invisiblity is broken, it gets restored after the fade time during the shadow duration. Pretty basic skill, mana-intensive, however, so we won't get it until later on.
Level 1 - Lasts 7 seconds. 2.5 second fade time. 200 mana, 160 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - Lasts 9 seconds. 2 second fade time. 250 mana, 160 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - Lasts 11 seconds. 1.5 second fade time. 300 mana, 160 sec cooldown.
, it's still a very strong spell. The speed increase is also invaluable late-game in getting away from those very quick heroes such as Razor.
Level 1 - 400 range. 4% speed increase. 60 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - 450 range. 8% speed increase. 55 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - 500 range. 12% speed increase. 50 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 4 - 550 range. 16% speed increase. 45 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
soporte y no solo eso!!das saltitos =D ademas aumenta la velocidad esto es por si se quieren escapar algun pendejito =D
Moonlight Shadow
Turns Nightshade and all allied heroes invisible. If invisiblity is broken, it gets restored after the fade time during the shadow duration. Pretty basic skill, mana-intensive, however, so we won't get it until later on.
Level 1 - Lasts 7 seconds. 2.5 second fade time. 200 mana, 160 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - Lasts 9 seconds. 2 second fade time. 250 mana, 160 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - Lasts 11 seconds. 1.5 second fade time. 300 mana, 160 sec cooldown.
bueno como dije antes, salvara tu parte de atras muchisimas veces
aca estan mis skills:
Level 1- Leap/Arrow
Level 2- Arrow/Leap
Level 3- Starfall
Level 4- Starfall
Level 5- Starfall
Level 6- Arrow
Level 7- Starfall
Level 8- Arrow
Level 9- Arrow
Level 10- Moonlight Shadow
Level 11- Moonlight Shadow
Level 12- Leap
Level 13- Leap
Level 14- Leap
Level 15- Stats
Level 16- Moonlight Shadow
Level 17-25- Stats
Bueno debo remarcar que los que esten como "quota" son los items opcionales dado que todos le sirven a mirana , pero pueden elejir el orden

2 circle of nobility para tener alguito de vida no? =D

bootle o

arcane ring


2 wraith bands

point booster




ESTOS ULTIMOS 3 pueden varias depende a lo que necesites
acepto comentarios =D
bueno dado que pidieron estrategia , aca la tiene
Al principio (1-7)
Tu base sera lo mas importante, recomiendo ir por una botella y algunos circle of nobility, trata de molestar a tu enemigo con tu starfall y si tienes angulo , porque no tirarle una flecha? puedes esconderte donde el no te vea y espere la flecha, pero debes calcular bien a ( no apto para pajeros) , si se te acaba, pues ve y busca runas, guardalas y usalas cuando creas convenientes , esto no solo te guardara algo que puede que te salve , si no tambien te dara mas "agua de bendita" ( yo llamo asi al agua de la botellita) , deberas tratar de ayudar a tus compañeros a matar, participar en peleas pero de LEJOS no te arriesgues porque mirana no resiste mucho que digamos y puede morir facilmente.
Medio del juego (8-15)
Si comenzaste bien , tendras lo suficiente para poder armarte(maelstrom,monkey king bar o cristalis) y dejar de depender mucho de tus combos, concentrate en ayudar a tus compañeros y si se da la oportunidad, de cazar o matar si es posible =D, solo sigue al nivel y tratar de estar encima de todos, porque si no llegas muy bien o bien al final, te comeran vivo los otros heroes, enserio =S
Final del juego (16-25)
Bueno , asumamos que comenzaste bien y seguiste algunos de los consejos, si es asi , probablemente tengas unos 7 kills =D y estaras en primer puesto, en consecuencia deberias tener o :



monkey king bar

deberias tener 1 de estos y hasta 2 =O personalmente me gusta ir por mjollir y luego skady
pero eso queda en cada uno.
Trata de no hacer linea con nukers como por ejemplo lina, zeus o lion ni tampoco con tankes como axe, pudge o balanar porque simplemente te comeran , anda tranquilo y no te desesperes, porque mirana es uno de esos heroes que en las ultimas puede pasar un milagro
espero que con estos cambios quede mejor mi imagen