00:00 [All] (paiN.GRD) Shortest load by player [MYM|Ange] was 4.34 seconds.
00:00 [All] (paiN.GRD) Longest load by player [Fear.wc3] was 13.04 seconds.
00:00 [All] (paiN.GRD) This game hosted by paiN Gaming.
00:00 [All] (paiN.GRD) Visit our irc channel: #paiN.dota in @ quakenet
00:03 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> Welcome to GarenaTV!
00:03 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>>
00:06 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>>
00:15 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> paiN.Dunnaz starts summoning hero [Tauren Chieftain]
00:32 [All] ([LOST]inWOODS) latency
00:33 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> vigoss starts summoning hero [Shadow Hunter]
00:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Setting game latency to 40 ms.
09:06 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> Buffering game data...
09:06 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> Buffering game data...
09:06 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> Buffering game data...
09:06 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> Buffering game data...
09:06 [All] ([LOST]Santa.DR) <<GarenaTV>> Buffering game data...
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) paiN.Dunnaz: 128ms, [LOST]Santa.DR: 103ms, [LOST]inWOODS: 101ms, paiN.r22!: 97ms, paiN.PAADA: 87ms, paiN.GrentxD: 83ms,
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) MYM|Ange: 79ms, vigoss: 76ms, paiN.GRD: 67ms, [LOST]13aby.DR: 62ms, [LOST]MiSeRy.DR: 61ms, Fear.wc3: 51ms
09:36 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) pro bot
09:36 [All] (paiN.PAADA) bot?
09:36 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) ?
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) ?
09:36 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) why drop every game?
09:36 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) ???
09:36 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) last game grent
09:36 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) 3/3
09:36 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) down
09:36 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) man
09:36 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) zz
09:36 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) w/e
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Player [vigoss] voted to drop laggers.
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Player [[LOST]MiSeRy.DR] voted to drop laggers.
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Player [[LOST]inWOODS] voted to drop laggers.
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Player [paiN.GRD] voted to drop laggers.
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Player [paiN.GrentxD] voted to drop laggers.
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Player [paiN.Dunnaz] voted to drop laggers.
09:36 [All] (paiN.GRD) Fear.wc3 lagged out (dropped by vote).
09:37 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) go re or play
09:38 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) ?
09:38 [All] (paiN.PAADA) play
09:38 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) ?
09:38 [All] (paiN.Bot) play
09:38 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) play
09:38 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) :DD
09:38 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) ok
09:41 [All] (paiN.GRD) :DD
09:43 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) stfu
09:46 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) retard
18:30 [Observers] ([LOST]Santa.DR) do it right now
18:56 [Observers] ([LOST]Santa.DR) y
37:49 [Observers] ([LOST]Santa.DR) !checkme
42:40 [Observers] ([LOST]Santa.DR) !checkme
53:06 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) gj
55:56 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) ??
55:57 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) -afk
56:36 [Observers] ([LOST]Santa.DR) !checkme
57:10 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) -afk
57:15 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) stfu
59:17 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) b
59:19 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) BAC
59:20 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) K
59:21 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) BACK
59:21 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) B
59:22 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) B
59:22 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) B
59:22 [All] ([LOST]inWOODS) BACK
59:22 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) B
59:34 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) B A C K
61:36 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) b
63:38 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) u guys are sooo goood omgg
63:38 [All] (paiN.Dunnaz) gg
63:38 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) go our host
63:38 [All] ([LOST]MiSeRy.DR) gg
63:38 [All] ([LOST]inWOODS) go last
64:38 [All] ([LOST]13aby.DR) go ply
64:38 [All] (paiN.GRD) [LOST]inWOODS has left the game voluntarily.
64:38 [All] ([LOST]13aby.DR) dota
64:38 [All] ([LOST]13aby.DR) next game )
64:38 [All] (paiN.GRD) [LOST]13aby.DR has left the game voluntarily.