One years ago, the most powerful NVIDIA GFX card you can buy is 8800GTX, 8800 GTS 640MB and 8800GTS 320MB. And six month ago, 8800Ultra stands in the top of the hill, but the price is so scary to those people without a deep pocket.And today, 8800 Ultra have been End of Life cycle, and 8800 GTX/GTS is too old to buy. That’s because some new products available in the market, eg. G9x cards. Anyway, as a first gen of G80 architecture product, GeForce 8800 did a good job in late 2006 to 2007 and now they are fading away. but it is still interesting to round them up with today’s G9x product. Do you still think 8800 Ultra/GTX/GTS can stand in the front of the line?
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8800GTS 320MB VS 8800GS 384MB and 9600GT 256MB
8800GTS 640MB = 9600GT 512MB
8800GTX versus 8800GT 512MB and 8800GTS 512MB