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What do you know about the duolingo company?

Esta es una discusión para el tema What do you know about the duolingo company? en el foro Off-Topic, bajo la categoría Temas de Interes General; We need your advice or an answer to such a question - where you can read verified non-fake reviews about ...
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Vista híbrida

  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    27 oct, 19

    Predeterminado What do you know about the duolingo company?

    We need your advice or an answer to such a question - where you can read verified non-fake reviews about the experience of working with the duolingo? Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    Fecha de ingreso
    27 dic, 20

    Predeterminado Re: What do you know about the duolingo company?

    Hi all! I really enjoy using Duolingo to learn new languages. The platform is extremely user-friendly and makes learning new vocabulary a fun experience. I also like the fact that I can track my progress and see how far I have come. All the material that they provide is of high quality, and if you have any questions while using the application, you can contact duolingo customer service and they are always ready to answer questions and provide all possible assistance, which I really like.

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