"Your code name for this mission will be Carnivorous Scorpion"
haha nice xD
Esta es una discusión para el tema Metal Gear name generator en el foro Off-Topic, bajo la categoría Temas de Interes General; "Your code name for this mission will be Carnivorous Scorpion"
haha nice xD...
Página: 4
"Your code name for this mission will be Carnivorous Scorpion"
haha nice xD
"Your code name for this mission will be Iron Kangaroo"
a la madrina ^^
De@th_p8eth! is lima dEx_0!
Yo toy RoMaNTico y Tu BN KOkeTa vn Pa k y APRIEta.. ApRIeTa8).
"Your code name for this mission will be Liquid Lemur"
[Frnando™][Thinking On......................]
[New rig is coming... just wait xD]
Discharger Python... Suena a un reptil con problemas digestivos =(
"Jabroni Elephant" wa da fok means Jabroni ? suena rarito :oops:
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/jabroniDefinition: in professional wrestling, a wrestler who loses in order to make another wrestler look good; also called jobber
"Your code name for this mission will be Affable Butterfly" =$
Bruno "kyo" Wilson
A good song should make you want to tap your feet, but a great song should destroy cops and set fire to the suburbs.I'm only interested in writing great songs. -Tom Morello
"Your code name for this mission will be Ionic Eel"
"Your code name for this mission will be Chocolate Cobra"
Chocolate?¿?¿ :/ ...
Memento Mori - RahxephoN
"Your code name for this mission will be Javelin Cockroach"
"Your code name for this mission will be Dispicable Cockroach" U___U
"Your code name for this mission will be Mace Gazelle" ke lindo eh?
"Your code name for this mission will be Back-Alley Hyena" es el codigo para Chuck Norrys ;o
Vota por CrossPLay en torneo de Cosplays de FaceBook en:
"Your code name for this mission will be Genius Snake":D asu que papi =D
"No dejes que nadie te diga que no puedes hacer algo".
Christopher Garner.
"La humildad es la marca de fabrica de los grandes".
Don Gato.
"Your code name for this mission will be Mace Flamingo"
que significa esto?
"Your code name for this mission will be Lancer Gazelle"
RikrevengeR aka Xogi!
LyC :$