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Esta es una discusión para el tema DOTA ALLSTARS en el foro DotA, bajo la categoría Top Games; mira las recetas pues hijo :P :roll: :oops: :D ! el acolito, el peon y el peon orquito q tan ...
Página: 10

  1. #181
    Senior Member Avatar de PaniC
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 feb, 04


    mira las recetas pues hijo :P :roll: :oops: :D ! el acolito, el peon y el peon orquito q tan al lado del chato....el scepter es un item para casi todos los magos y algunos pocos heroes d agilidad, te aconsejo algo crea un juego en custom game...y juega contra la maquina con la clave d infinita plata y prueba todos los items asi aprendes para q sirve cada uno visita www.dota-allstars.com para mas info
    You better get on ur knees and pray PAnic is on the way (Oasis)

  2. #182
    Fym está desconectado
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 nov, 04


    Es bueno saber en donde se juega W3

    Publiquen mas nombres de cabinas donde se juegue dota 5.84 o VS (de preferencia SJM, Surco, San Borja) :D
    en donde quedan y a cuanto esta la hora,

    tambien si hay amanecidas, cuanto sale.
    "The bitter taste of the Victory"

  3. #183
    Dead Man Terra Admin
    Avatar de Miyagui
    Fecha de ingreso
    24 abr, 03


    Acabo de terminar la lista de items en español. Si quieren la visitan si no, no. Hace tiempo preguntaron donde habia una lista y se me hacia algo dificil encontrar una en español y de facil acceso.

    Pues aca les va:


    PD: Si hay algun error con las recetas, mandenme un PM NO lo posteen o sino se cambiaria demasiado el tema del hilo.

  4. #184
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    17 sep, 03


    De la futura version 6.***

    Cita Iniciado por Guinsoo
    Well, DotA Allstars v6.0 is well under way and I'm going to list here the changes, so that you guys will (hopefully) stay excited.

    Here's what's done so far:
    New terrain. The new terrain is lush and more flavorful. The layout remains the same, but it's much, much cooler looking.

    New heroes. There will be either 11 or 12 new heroes added to the game. Two of these are already completely finished and programmed in, and another 7 or so are done in theorycraft but haven't yet been put into DotA. I say 11 or 12, because I am considering making the Invoker hero neutral, where Sentinel or Scourge can take him. I'll give you guys a list of the heroes that are going to be included once I get home.

    New items. You can most likely see the Item suggestions needed post, probably directly above or below this one.

    New game modes. Capture the flag mode has already been implemented and partially tested. In Capture the flag mode, the Throne and Tree are replaced by flags. To score a point, you must capture the enemy's flag and return it to your base, and your flag must be at your base. If an enemy grabs your flag, you have to recover it before you can score a point. To prevent abuse, the flags cannot be dropped, but are dropped upon death. They are treated as an item, so you have to have an empty spot open to pick it up. You could, in theory, carry both your flag and the enemy flag at the same time. While holding a flag, you do not get to use any mana. Passive abilities still function, but you cannot use any activated abilities. Dagger of Escape, etc have been given small mana costs to this end. Additionally, if you have the enemy's flag, the entire enemy team is given sight of you, including True Sight. There is no pretense or secrecy when the flags are grabbed. It's an all out brawl. Additionally, the minimap is pinged with the location of the enemy flagbearer every few seconds. There are plenty of in-game text notifications that tell you when a teammate has grabbed the enemy flag, a teammate has recovered your flag, etc etc etc. I'm not entirely sure about this part yet, but I think -ctf will be a supplemental game mode. EG, it will be compatible with deathmatch, allrandom, or whatever else. Though the triggering of the many game modes and compatibility issues between the triggers is beginning to hurt my head.

    Nodecontrol is a mode I have yet to actually program in, and I'm still in the theorycraft part of it. Like -ctf, it will be a supplemental game mode. An arbitrary amount of nodes will be scattered around the map, in balanced positions. Every so often, say 5 minutes, the team with the most nodes controlled gets an exp and gold bonus. Or perhaps just a gold bonus. Or, this could even be done far quicker. Perhaps even every 8 seconds, the team with the most nodes gets their static income increased. Or, each team's static income is determined by the number of nodes they control. So if a team controls none of the nodes, they get 0 gold every 8 seconds, and the other team would get 16 every 8 seconds. Nodes become controlled simply by walking over them with a hero, and then they stay controlled by that team until a member of the opposite team walks over it.

    Football mode is one that I forsee more problems with. It is similar to capture the flag mode, but without flags. Instead, the object to score with is placed in a neutral position. Then if a team scoops the football and brings it back to base, they score a point. Or it could be made more supplemental, like node control, in that scooping the football just results in gold/exp bonus for your team.

    I'm also considering adding fraglimit and timelimit games. You would activate these game modes by typing -fl 15 or -tl 60. For fraglimit, the game would play until a team gets to 15 kills. In order to not destroy the basic premise of DotA, tower and barracks kills would count as kills, and even count as more than 1 kill. A tower could count for 2 kills, and a barracks could count for 3. For timelimit, the game would play for a given amount of time (-tl 60 would play for one hour), and at the end of the set amount of time, the team with the most kills/towerkills/barracks kills, perhaps tallied similarly to the example of frag limit mode, would win. These modes would also be supplemental to any others. For example, a time limit -ctf would be very fun, I think. I have it set right now in -ctf where the first team to 5 flag caps wins. But I really don't know if that's going to be a long game, a short game, or an average length game. -tl would be great for that. Time limit would also be great for if the game creator knows he can't play for more than an hour, and isn't sure whether he should host a game or not. -tl and -fl would also give warnings, like "Red team has just 3 frags left!" or "5 minutes remaining." I might even be able to get some sound files for these.

    I'm working on a way to speed up victories for teams that are clearly winning. Sometimes a team gets pressed into their base, and their heroes are so strong that it becomes very hard for the other team to win, but there is no chance for victory for the losing team. Yet, the rules state clearly that they should not leave at this point. Plus, games like these can often be dragged on to 1.5 hours, or even longer. I want to avoid these situations, so I'm going to have a way for winning teams to get rewarded even more. The current method of having creeps become stronger isn't quite cutting it.

    I'll also hopefully add some changes to the creeps themselves. Maybe have them randomly spawn different types of some kind. Every so often, say every 4 spawns, have some creeps that look different spawn. Maybe give them a couple of abilities, I dunno. Something to mix it up a little bit.

    Almost forgot. I'm going to rewrite all of the hero purchase tooltips, outlining their attributes, stat gainst per level, primary attribute, starting hit points and mana, all of their abilities and basic functions, which one is the ultimate, and probably even add in a little bit of color coding to make it all look nice and special.

    This is all I've thought of so far, but I'm taking suggestions on just about anything, be it the ideas I have outlined here or anything else. Some suggestions I won't take are purchasable creeps/mercenaries or purchasable upgrades for the creeps. The creep mechanism is not to be controlled by the heroes.

    Use proper capitalization and grammar. If you sound like a 6-year old kid while writing it, I'm going to assume the idea is that bad too, and I might not even read it. If you want to catch my attention, write it as professionally as you can.

    Also, there's no real rush for these ideas. 6.0 is a ton of theorizing, programming, and then testing. Programming all this stuff is going to take me quite a bit of time. Add to that the fact that I play WoW as well, and you realize that 6.0 is going to take quite a bit of time - I'd speculate probably a month. So there's no hurry for you to get your ideas to me. Take some time, mull them over, post them on the forum, refine your idea, and then post it here. The more polished an idea is, the more likely I am to accept it.

  5. #185
    King of the White Chip Staff Avatar de DitE.jM
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 ene, 03
    San Borja, Lima


    Cita Iniciado por Miyagui
    Acabo de terminar la lista de items en español. Si quieren la visitan si no, no. Hace tiempo preguntaron donde habia una lista y se me hacia algo dificil encontrar una en español y de facil acceso.

    Pues aca les va:


    PD: Si hay algun error con las recetas, mandenme un PM NO lo posteen o sino se cambiaria demasiado el tema del hilo.
    ASU Miyagui siempre esta en todas grande miyaqui
    League of Legends player

    [Tildes omitidas]

  6. #186
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    09 dic, 04
    Mi casa

    Predeterminado Manual de Dota Items

    aqui tambien hay otro manual de dota items



    Viva los heroes de Streng !!!

  7. #187
    Senior Member Avatar de dOo.kAz
    Fecha de ingreso
    11 ago, 03


    keria saber si hay alguna guia de heroes asi como tb hay una de items.
    " /l、
    ゙(゚、 。 7
     l、゙ ~ヽ Gato
     じしf_, )ノ

  8. #188
    King of the White Chip Staff Avatar de DitE.jM
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 ene, 03
    San Borja, Lima

    Predeterminado Re: Manual de Dota Items

    En la lista de items de miyagui dice "4 Cargas de Reincarnacion y teleporta al heroe a la base, regenera 1500 Hp. Cooldown instantaneo."
    y en la lista del otro usuario (sorry pero nose su nick) dice:
    ....Demora 60 Segundos en volverse a cargar .
    Con respecto al item llamado "Aegis of the Inmortal "

    Cita Iniciado por New-[PERU
    ]Viva los heroes de Streng !!!
    Si te refieres a "strength" osea heroes de fuerza deberias corregir.
    League of Legends player

    [Tildes omitidas]

  9. #189
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    17 sep, 03


    El aegis no tiene cooldown

  10. #190
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    09 dic, 04
    Mi casa

    Predeterminado correcion simple

    Sorry, pero me gusta escribir como me lo tenga al momento, creo que esto no es una carta formal ni nada por el estilo para decir Streng o Strength, a mi me suena igual a no ser que seas extranjero y hables ingles todo el tiempo. Y claro si, son de fuerza (creo que esta obvio).-

    Asi como tambien a veces juego con heroes de intelli o para escribirlo correctamente intelligence (inteligencia)

    Con respecto a lo de los items.

    - Estas invitado a escribir al webmaster de www.warcraftperu.com/contactenos.asp informando esa correción, creo que nadie es perfecto y para eso sirve las remediaciones.


    P.D, Ya funciona el foro de PeruStrike? o sigue Down.

  11. #191
    Senior Member Avatar de Cw_Ryohji
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 dic, 04
    Bosques de Kalimdor - Lima


    alguien sabe que mejoras le da el Aghanim's Scepter al uktimate de Luna??? no noto mucha diferencia...

    el otro manual de items esta ChVr tambie.. felicidades!!!

    streng o strengh.. q mas da.. es lo mismo, entendible, creo q este no es un foro de clasesitas de ingles .. o si??? igual yo los llamo heroes de puño, de cerebro o cocos y de patita XD.. alguien me entendio??? de hecho que si. ven??
    Mi firma no me sale bien con el teclado, al q lo quiera ver se la scaneo xD

  12. #192
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    26 nov, 04

    Predeterminado Re: Manual de Dota Items

    Cita Iniciado por Dite

    Cita Iniciado por New-[PERU
    ]Viva los heroes de Streng !!!
    Si te refieres a "strength" osea heroes de fuerza deberias corregir.
    Cuando no "DITE" mostrando nuestras horrores ortograficos :p
    Team Leader <bio-X>

  13. #193
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    09 dic, 04
    Mi casa

    Predeterminado No entendi bien

    pues, es para acelerar el ultimate. Al menos yo lo uso para eso y darme buena cantidad de intelli


  14. #194
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    17 sep, 03


    Cita Iniciado por Cw_Ryohji
    alguien sabe que mejoras le da el Aghanim's Scepter al uktimate de Luna??? no noto mucha diferencia...

    el otro manual de items esta ChVr tambie.. felicidades!!!

    streng o strengh.. q mas da.. es lo mismo, entendible, creo q este no es un foro de clasesitas de ingles .. o si??? igual yo los llamo heroes de puño, de cerebro o cocos y de patita XD.. alguien me entendio??? de hecho que si. ven??
    Reduce el cooldown y hace que en vez de 5 lucent beams como maximo a un heroe le puedan caer 6. Osea no lo compres.

  15. #195
    Senior Member Avatar de crAzY^HaVoK
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 dic, 02
    Montgomery Village, United States


    el scepter.. no es recomendable comprarlo con la luna...ya ke es mejor meterle mas agility. mistical staff = 25 int.. , la luna no necesita mucho mana es mejor invertir el oro en atake o velocidad de atake o movimiento

  16. #196
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 dic, 02


    bueno. si quieren jugar dota en drago contra Artyk.
    manden pm. =)


  17. #197
    Senior Member Avatar de Cw_Ryohji
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 dic, 04
    Bosques de Kalimdor - Lima


    Gracias por las respuestas muchachos.. sigan asi!!! 8) :P
    Mi firma no me sale bien con el teclado, al q lo quiera ver se la scaneo xD

  18. #198
    Fecha de ingreso
    14 dic, 04


    alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar lo que dijjo guinso del dota 6 pero en español?

  19. #199
    Fecha de ingreso
    28 oct, 04


    WTF!!!! dota en spanish! °° imposible, asi el juego no tiene sentido, todo el mundo va apoder hacer sus mejores combinaciones! y el q pierde soi io :oops: nuuuuu q no llegue ese dota!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aparte q x eso me meti en el icpna para aprender ingles, si hay dota en español mi vida no tiene sentiduuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :evil:
    c$-rMx | PollitoCS <mAnU>
    - mAnU en Gb


  20. #200
    Fecha de ingreso
    14 dic, 04


    me referia a esto:

    Well, DotA Allstars v6.0 is well under way and I'm going to list here the changes, so that you guys will (hopefully) stay excited.

    Here's what's done so far:
    New terrain. The new terrain is lush and more flavorful. The layout remains the same, but it's much, much cooler looking.

    New heroes. There will be either 11 or 12 new heroes added to the game. Two of these are already completely finished and programmed in, and another 7 or so are done in theorycraft but haven't yet been put into DotA. I say 11 or 12, because I am considering making the Invoker hero neutral, where Sentinel or Scourge can take him. I'll give you guys a list of the heroes that are going to be included once I get home.

    New items. You can most likely see the Item suggestions needed post, probably directly above or below this one.

    New game modes. Capture the flag mode has already been implemented and partially tested. In Capture the flag mode, the Throne and Tree are replaced by flags. To score a point, you must capture the enemy's flag and return it to your base, and your flag must be at your base. If an enemy grabs your flag, you have to recover it before you can score a point. To prevent abuse, the flags cannot be dropped, but are dropped upon death. They are treated as an item, so you have to have an empty spot open to pick it up. You could, in theory, carry both your flag and the enemy flag at the same time. While holding a flag, you do not get to use any mana. Passive abilities still function, but you cannot use any activated abilities. Dagger of Escape, etc have been given small mana costs to this end. Additionally, if you have the enemy's flag, the entire enemy team is given sight of you, including True Sight. There is no pretense or secrecy when the flags are grabbed. It's an all out brawl. Additionally, the minimap is pinged with the location of the enemy flagbearer every few seconds. There are plenty of in-game text notifications that tell you when a teammate has grabbed the enemy flag, a teammate has recovered your flag, etc etc etc. I'm not entirely sure about this part yet, but I think -ctf will be a supplemental game mode. EG, it will be compatible with deathmatch, allrandom, or whatever else. Though the triggering of the many game modes and compatibility issues between the triggers is beginning to hurt my head.

    Nodecontrol is a mode I have yet to actually program in, and I'm still in the theorycraft part of it. Like -ctf, it will be a supplemental game mode. An arbitrary amount of nodes will be scattered around the map, in balanced positions. Every so often, say 5 minutes, the team with the most nodes controlled gets an exp and gold bonus. Or perhaps just a gold bonus. Or, this could even be done far quicker. Perhaps even every 8 seconds, the team with the most nodes gets their static income increased. Or, each team's static income is determined by the number of nodes they control. So if a team controls none of the nodes, they get 0 gold every 8 seconds, and the other team would get 16 every 8 seconds. Nodes become controlled simply by walking over them with a hero, and then they stay controlled by that team until a member of the opposite team walks over it.

    Football mode is one that I forsee more problems with. It is similar to capture the flag mode, but without flags. Instead, the object to score with is placed in a neutral position. Then if a team scoops the football and brings it back to base, they score a point. Or it could be made more supplemental, like node control, in that scooping the football just results in gold/exp bonus for your team.

    I'm also considering adding fraglimit and timelimit games. You would activate these game modes by typing -fl 15 or -tl 60. For fraglimit, the game would play until a team gets to 15 kills. In order to not destroy the basic premise of DotA, tower and barracks kills would count as kills, and even count as more than 1 kill. A tower could count for 2 kills, and a barracks could count for 3. For timelimit, the game would play for a given amount of time (-tl 60 would play for one hour), and at the end of the set amount of time, the team with the most kills/towerkills/barracks kills, perhaps tallied similarly to the example of frag limit mode, would win. These modes would also be supplemental to any others. For example, a time limit -ctf would be very fun, I think. I have it set right now in -ctf where the first team to 5 flag caps wins. But I really don't know if that's going to be a long game, a short game, or an average length game. -tl would be great for that. Time limit would also be great for if the game creator knows he can't play for more than an hour, and isn't sure whether he should host a game or not. -tl and -fl would also give warnings, like "Red team has just 3 frags left!" or "5 minutes remaining." I might even be able to get some sound files for these.

    I'm working on a way to speed up victories for teams that are clearly winning. Sometimes a team gets pressed into their base, and their heroes are so strong that it becomes very hard for the other team to win, but there is no chance for victory for the losing team. Yet, the rules state clearly that they should not leave at this point. Plus, games like these can often be dragged on to 1.5 hours, or even longer. I want to avoid these situations, so I'm going to have a way for winning teams to get rewarded even more. The current method of having creeps become stronger isn't quite cutting it.

    I'll also hopefully add some changes to the creeps themselves. Maybe have them randomly spawn different types of some kind. Every so often, say every 4 spawns, have some creeps that look different spawn. Maybe give them a couple of abilities, I dunno. Something to mix it up a little bit.

    Almost forgot. I'm going to rewrite all of the hero purchase tooltips, outlining their attributes, stat gainst per level, primary attribute, starting hit points and mana, all of their abilities and basic functions, which one is the ultimate, and probably even add in a little bit of color coding to make it all look nice and special.

    This is all I've thought of so far, but I'm taking suggestions on just about anything, be it the ideas I have outlined here or anything else. Some suggestions I won't take are purchasable creeps/mercenaries or purchasable upgrades for the creeps. The creep mechanism is not to be controlled by the heroes.

    Use proper capitalization and grammar. If you sound like a 6-year old kid while writing it, I'm going to assume the idea is that bad too, and I might not even read it. If you want to catch my attention, write it as professionally as you can.

    Also, there's no real rush for these ideas. 6.0 is a ton of theorizing, programming, and then testing. Programming all this stuff is going to take me quite a bit of time. Add to that the fact that I play WoW as well, and you realize that 6.0 is going to take quite a bit of time - I'd speculate probably a month. So there's no hurry for you to get your ideas to me. Take some time, mull them over, post them on the forum, refine your idea, and then post it here. The more polished an idea is, the more likely I am to accept it.

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