Hola, bueno quisiera que me aclaren algo, como es el rate de drops, osea que stat, fame, item me va a dar mas posibilidades para que tenga un mejor drop.
Esta es una discusión para el tema Problemas / Ayuda / Peticiones / Ideas / Preguntas en el foro Maple Story, bajo la categoría RPG & MMORPG; Hola, bueno quisiera que me aclaren algo, como es el rate de drops, osea que stat, fame, item me va ...
Página: 111
Hola, bueno quisiera que me aclaren algo, como es el rate de drops, osea que stat, fame, item me va a dar mas posibilidades para que tenga un mejor drop.
oooo..... acepto lo del hat lvl 50 y 60 pero del lvl 999????? no crees k se pasaron o.o.. no sera lvl 199 >.< !!!!!!!Iniciado por BooMeR^
reply2 : es rate es pura suerte ^^ hay varias hipotis no definidas...
ayer vi una hipotesis matematicas del rate.. pero me dio flojera leerlo era demaciado largo y demaciado confunso :oops: :oops:
Dime donde, tengo time :PIniciado por RAOP
Si es algo relacionado con el "kill per minute" ya fui :cry:
Invisibility is for no purpose other than to be the greatest voyeur ever.
Oh wai, I forgot ganks.
We all know that 100% scrolls have a 10/10 chance of working, 60% has a 6/10 chance and 10% has 1/10 chance. We also know that the chances of two 60%s working is .6 x .6, or .6^2, which is .36. A combination of them, the not out yet 30% and a 10% working is .3 x .1 which is .03Iniciado por HaXit0
Now here comes the problem with our probablity reasoning. What are the chances of exactly 3 out of 4 60%s working? I bet most of you would say, .6 x .6 x .6 x .4. Well that is wrong, because that is the chance that the first 3 works and the last one fails. But what if its the second one that fails? or the first, etc.
Time to learn a little Pre Calculus
We would have to add all the possibilities for that, which could be .4 x .6 x .6 x .6, .6 x .4 x .6 x .6, .6 x .6 x .4 x .6, and .6 x .6 x .6 x .4. That is the correct math, and note that they all equal the same. We could just simplify that to 4 x (.6 x .6 x .6 x .4)
If you know factorials, skip to the next part. How many ways can you arrange the letters: A B C? Disregard if they are in the dictionary or not.
We have A B C, A C B, B A C, B C A, C A B, C B A.
Time consuming right? Especially if we have 15 different letters. Look at it this way: we have three letters, and they could go into these spaces: _ _ _
In the first space, we can have either A B or C. So we have 3 different choices. For space 2, since one letter is already used, we can only have two spaces for that. Finally, for space 3, we have one letter left.
So our possibilites would equal 3 x 2 x 1, which is 6, and guess what? There ARE 6 possibilities. 3 x 2 x 1 is also known as 3!, or 3 factorial. Any number factorial is that number times the number below that times the next number below that, etc. So 6! would be 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720, and 0! = 1 because some math people said so.
If you know combinations, skip this part as well. How many different ways can you arrange these letters: A A A B?
We can do B A A A, A B A A, A A B A, or A A A B, which is 4 ways. Now how can we arrange A A A B B. There are a lot more, but there is a simpler way. For those above Algebra, you might (or not at all) remember Combinations, as in nCr=n!/(r!(n-r)!).
Combinations mean that if you have n different elements (numbers, letters, etc) and you can take them r at a time, then that would be the number of possibilites if order did not matter. So if you had A B C D, and you could take 2 at a time, with order not mattering, so AC and CA are the same, then you would have 4!/(2!(4-2)!) = (4 x 3 x 2 x 1)/((2 x 1) x (2 x 1)) = 6. It's simple enough math.
Time for the real deal.
Remember that the chances of 3 out of 4 60%s working was 4 x (.6 x .6 x .6 x .4), or just 4 x (.6^3 x .4)? Now we put it all together.
We had 3 out of 4 working, so there are 4 possibilities. Would it be too much of a coincidence that 4C3 (using 4 as n and 3 as r in a combination) is 4? Now we can say, that the chances of r 60%s working out of n scrolls is nCr x .6^r x .4^(n-r), or for any scroll, it's nCr x succeeding chance^r x failing chance^(n-r).
Now we have to figure out, what's the possibility of at least 3 out of 4 60%s working, so it could have 3 OR 4 working, in any of its possibilities. Well, just add their probabilities.
Chance of 3 working + Chance of 4 working: 4C3 x .6^3 x .4^1 + 4C4 x .6^4 x .6^0
If you didn't know already, anything but 0 to the 0th power is 1, so you can just calculate that out. It will work for any set you'd like.
At least 4 out of 9 10%s?: C4 x .1^4 x .9^5 + 9C5 x .1^5 x .9^4 , etc. Yea it can get long, so scrolling down, has easy calculator functions to help.
With TI-83/84 Calculator
For you lazy people with TI-83s and 84s, in your DISTR (2nd + VARS) menu, there's a function called binompdf (binomial probability distibution function). To use that, if you wanted to find out the chance of exactly r scrolls out of n would work, let's say 3 out of 7 70%s, simply type in: binompdf( {total number of scrolls} , {chance of success} , {how many would work} ). So to do the example, it would be:
binompdf(7, .7 , 3) = .0972
Which is a 9.72% chance. But that's exactly that many working.
To know if at least r number of scrolls out of n would work, you would use the binomcdf( function (binomial cumalative distribution function), which is right below the binompdf function. To use it, you would type in
1 - binomcdf( {number of scrolls} , {chance of working} , {how many would work} - 1)
The -1 is important, as the calculator does some weird thing in which you will learn in Precalculus, and the Pascal's triangle. So to the same example:
1 - binomcdf(7, .7, 2) = .9712. Thats a high chance! Go scroll it!
Pd: srry si es muy largo.. me avisas para editar![]()
Eso es el Rate de los Scrolls , no de los Drops ._."
The true jazz artist has to "wake up blank", "get it together" and "create a Masterpiece" BEFORE midnight.
Groove you must, funk is with you !
asi es, io tbm pense que era de drops, creo que los drops solo la gente de maple sabe como son lo rates, acrca de los scrolls... es lo saque el año pasado cuando estab estudiando precalculos :D
Tengo una duda respecto a los famosos hackers...
Bueno es que a una compañera de mi guild le hackearon su cuenta, pero el muy sin verguenza le regreso la cuenta pero con el PIN cambiado...
¿Ay una formad e recuperar el pIN?
¿Apoco es tan facil que un wey hackie cualquier cuenta y le quite a uno los meses que le invirtio en ella?
¿Si se sabe el nick como se puede denunciar?
Quieres recuperar el pin facil prueba desde 0000 hasta 9999 seguro le atinas o si manda un correo pidiendo el pinIniciado por RelaXer
Para denunciar
Iniciado por BlackKnight
pues eso de mandar un mail para ke te den tu PIN no siempre funca, mi pata (dueño original de la cuenta) se olvido de su PIN (eske puso otro nuevo cuando hicieron el reset de pins) y mando como 10 mails a wizet para ke le regresen el PIN o le den uno nuevo , lo hizo de varias maneras y aun no le responden ya como 2 meses de eso
Ragnaros-US: Tauren Restoration Shaman
X eso es mejor tantear el pin en 2 meses sobrado lo encotrabaIniciado por NarutoSama
No te entendi como denunciarlo pero aca esta una foto del pata http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=13of.jpg aver kien lo denuncia a k de otro pata k me lo encontre hoy en el mismo lugar http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=0007hc.jpg ¿y una pregunta a k hora o a k hora fue el doble exp d hoy?
los orarios de eventos an ambiandoIniciado por DarKKevX
4am-6am y 12pma 2pm
tengo una duda un poco rara... porque los yetis transformed dan mas exp mas oro pero bajan menos? :S
Puedes ser baneado por gracioso - domain_
Hey manes soy nuevo en el juego pero claramente se ve q este pata utiliza un hacker, y encima tubo la desfachates de bajarme la fama ahora toi en -1 :cry: ya pes manes alguien q me diga como denunciarlo :evil: es q no habla casi nada de ingles ps
aca hay otra por si las dudas bueno lo q creo q hace su hack es atraer monstruos hacia el :
Iniciado por Tellex
vas a www.mapleglobal.com y entras con tu usuario, luego en la seccion Support vas a Email of Inquiry, ahi podras poner los links de las imagenes que has sacado de los cheaters(para esto utiliza www.imageshack.us o www.imagevenue.com) , no te olvides de poner Category: User-Abuse
Me ayudan en este quest .. ose dice que rompa cajas en el aeropuerto de ossyria !! :SS: estoy ahi y no hya cajas -.- !!1. Talk to Jay in Henesys.
2. Hunt for 1 Maple History Book I by breaking the box in the airship to Ossyria.
3. Hunt for 1 Maple History Book II by breaking the box in Magic Library, Ellinia.
4. Head over to Ludibrium and hunt for 1 Maple History Book III.
5. Go to Eos Entrance Tower and talk to Tigun the Advisor. You will obtain 1 Medal of Honor.
6. Return to Jay and give him the obtained item.
no es en el puerto.. la caja esta dentro del barco... pero no siempre aparece..asi que talvez tendras que hacer mas de un viaje ...
PD: la caja apare de ida, elinia a orbis u ,orbis a elinia
necesito una ayuda sobre mi 2 job,...llegue al level 30 con muxo esfuerzo ^^ luego quise combertirme en CLERIC fui todo junte las pelotitas negras las 30 despues me dio una medalla de oro todo emocionado fui a hablar con el mago supremo y elijo la opcion "please...CLERIC" le pongo nex nex nex y nada no me combierto no pasa nada sigo siendo magican,trate trate hasta me kite mi ropa y me reparti todos mis puntos de mi skil y los 5 que te dan por el level porfa alguien me dice como me combierto tengo k esperar un dia o como ???? estare muy agradecido...
Iniciado por darklarz90
Si ya tienes la medalla, habla con el viejo mago, pero dale clic dodne dice "I'll choose my occupation" , facil le has estado dando click dodne el te explica los pros a cons de los clerics.
Tambien asegurate de darle los clicks con el mouse no presiones ENTER para que pase las letras.