Como lo hicieron en esa bazofia de Mario Bros O_o??
Esta es una discusión para el tema Maple Story a la TV !!!! en el foro Maple Story, bajo la categoría RPG & MMORPG; Como lo hicieron en esa bazofia de Mario Bros O_o??...
Página: 2
lo chevere seria, que de cierta forma explique el juego en sus diferentes etapas(maple island , vitoria slan, ludi acua road, omega sector, etc), aunque dudo mucho que llegue a tanto. por otra parte no hay que perderle esperanzas a su posible exito, pues puede ser como en pokemon (lo que extrayeron de pokemon rojo de gb), en cuanto al exito.
Un raid al Jr. Balrog con She Is My Sin (naiguishhh) de BGM :PIniciado por Claroscuro
Invisibility is for no purpose other than to be the greatest voyeur ever.
Oh wai, I forgot ganks.
Pedorra la musica de maple? que herejia!!! jajaIniciado por Claroscuro
no hay buenos temas en maple en especial si escuchas algunas de las versiones posteriores que ya hay en maple japon y koreano son muy buenos temas. Pero en fin seguro que la musicalisacion la cambian por ke es para una seie.
Pues a mi me parece una buena idea.. es mas hasta se me ocurre que puedan poner en la serie animada a aquellos que estan en los primeros lugares del ranking, imaginense viendo a Tiger peleando en zakum??.. :o , o a lopito enamorando a Debie mientras no esta michi..xD... bueno aqui un enlace de la mencionada alianza entre Nexon y Mtv...
esperemos entonces
La vida, es solo el tiempo entre el nacimiento y la muerte...
Pero deben de poner una historia con trama basada en los personajes y sus vidas en el entorno de maple o eso creo yo, algo no muy epico xq sino no seria muy llamativo, debe ser algo asi como una comedia no?
pd: ni lopo ni dbie son famosos :D
HA! y eso que no has probado con dark chest of wonders >:]Iniciado por drunkie
Paolo "lopo" Rally.
Desde el otro dia toy con la duda. Donde me consigo esas canciones o melodias? Por que las quiero escuchar. :oops:Iniciado por lopo
pero michi y l1k4 si lo son =DIniciado por Nawiex
No olvides llevar una toalla ^^
all about the poche...
fuera retardado =DIniciado por SunLitZeRo
Paolo "lopo" Rally.
tas envidioso u_u ya q sere famoso en la serie de tv de mapleIniciado por lopo
No olvides llevar una toalla ^^
all about the poche...
de BERA tenian q ser :lol: j/k
Nexon Meets MTV
By Cho Jin-seo
Staff Reporter
David Lee, left, chief of Nexon’s overseas business, and Steve Youngwood, third from right, executive vice president of MTV Networks, line up with other executives at a press conference at KINTEX, Ilsan, northwest of Seoul, Thursday. Nexon and MTV forged a partnership for worldwide online contents businesses.
/ Courtesy of Nexon
Nexon Thursday announced that it has signed a strategic partnership with MTV Networks for the global co-publishing and promoting of online games, music and other multimedia contents.
MTV will air commercials of Nexon games on its TV and Web broadcasting channels, and Nexon will help MTV establish Internet community sites in Asia and sell online items through them, the two firms said at a press conference during the G-Star game expo at KINTEX, northwest of Seoul, Thursday.
Nexon set up a U.S. subsidiary earlier this year and began to service multiplayer online games, which have been huge hits in Asia. Targeting a young audience, Nexon’s games ``Maple Story’’ and ``Kart Rider’’ have some 30 million and 50 million worldwide users, respectively.
``With the successes we had with `Kart Rider’ and `Maple Story,’ we are going to take on North America, which is the world’s largest market,’’ said Kwon Joon-mo, CEO of Nexon. ``The saga begins now.’’
MTV’s representative Steve Youngwood said he expects synergy by taking advantage of each other’s customer base in their regions.
``We’ve got two companies focused on same audience, focused on giving great entertainment on multi-platforms. We are really excited to continue to expand globally rather than in the United States or in Asia only,’’ said the executive vice president of MTV Networks.
MTV Networks is a major music and entertainment broadcaster with 130 channels on air worldwide, such as MTV Music Television, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central. It has also started operating various Web community sites such as and, which it wants to expand to Europe and Asia in a partnership with Nexon.
Nexon is one of largest game companies in Asia. Unlike Western and Japanese companies that profit from selling game titles, Nexon has developed a unique business model _ selling virtual game items such as swords and magic wands in an online marketplace within a game.
Last year, the company recorded 70 billion won of operating profit out of 200 billion won in revenue. David Lee, CEO of Nexon Japan, said that he expects revenue to jump to around 300 billion won this year, with 40 percent, or 10 billion won, being made every month overseas. Lee also said Nexon will be listed on the Japanese stock market in the near future.
In a separate move for business diversification, Nexon said that it is converting its PC-based games into models that can be used on the Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS consoles. It also said that it is producing TV animation films that feature game characters from ``Maple Story’’ and ``Kart Rider.’’
David Lee, left, chief of Nexon’s overseas business, and Steve Youngwood, third from right, executive vice president of MTV Networks, line up with other executives at a press conference at KINTEX, Ilsan, northwest of Seoul, Thursday. Nexon and MTV forged a partnership for worldwide online contents businesses.
Courtesy of Nexon
Fuente: Korean Times
Me gustaria jugar MS en un Xbox 360 :P
no les da verguenza panuderase con sus "2" digitos.(lvl<100)
se estan tomando toda la pg 2 solo para decidir quien es famoso y quien no, (para mi ni uno), traten de no salirse del tema.
PD: seria bueno que el opening finalize con una toma de zakum.(solo para asegurarnos que tomaran a todos los mstrs.
es broma oe t0M4$^ @ oshi shi pro en mapl3StO0rY**Iniciado por tomas1251
Paolo "lopo" Rally.
lol juju seguro ta picon xq no pasa de lvl 50 =D jajajajja oe aprende a diferenciar el spam de los verdaderos post ! jajja q tamos bromeando con la gente del guild xD, [BonD]^ tu comentario de bera me dio mucha risa xDIniciado por tomas1251
No olvides llevar una toalla ^^
all about the poche...
Ya ya calmate xD, no creo que seria buena idea hacer eso de que vayan a pelear contra todos los mobs y bosses del juego eso se tornaria medio aburrido, xq seria algocomo decir muy... trillado, sigo pensando que seria mejor una comedia ^^Iniciado por SunLitZeRo
Supongo que lo haran comos un Anime/comedia mas que nada...
Zzzzzz , con cuentas legales no pasas 6x :pIniciado por TSum
The true jazz artist has to "wake up blank", "get it together" and "create a Masterpiece" BEFORE midnight.
Groove you must, funk is with you !
PWNZ0RED.Iniciado por Adrien.
Paolo "lopo" Rally.