hola gracias por ver esto necesito ayuda hace una semana me hackearon mi cuenta:( fue el sabado 30 cuando abri mi msn tenia dos recargas de nexon cash de 30 las dos despues hice un relajo cambie un chingo la contraseña y se me blokeo despues ya habia entrado normal a jugar pero aparecio otra cosa ke tenia ke ver con el support de la pagina de nexon envie un ticked y me mandaron esto
[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Greetings Jesus,
I understand that you would like to have your account released from its ban. I am sorry to inform you that your appeal to have your ban lifted has been denied.
Your account is currently closed because there are one or more disputed PayPal charges which could result in a refund. Per the Terms of Use any account involved in a chargeback or refund will be forfeit.
You have a very small window of opportunity in which to contact PayPal to resolve this issue. If you are able to resolve this issue, we should be able to restore the account to you.
Also, if it would be easier for you, please submit a ticket in your native language. Should there be anything else we can do for you please let us know. Have a great day!
[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']GM Talia
Nexon America, Inc.
pero yo no tengo cuenta en paypal ni nada de eso si alguien me pudiera decir donde arreglo eso con paypal o me diera una link se lo agradesco muchas gracias por su ayuda :cheesy: [/FONT]