World of Warcraft Patch 1.8.0 brought a number of significant changes to the game, including new raid content, class updates, and bug fixes. One interesting addition was the ability to search for random suffixes in the Auction House. This would be particularly useful for players looking for specific gear pieces. The patch also brought some much-needed improvements to the game's user interface, such as the ability to see how much reputation is needed to reach the next level and the option to put a translucent pane behind the portraits of other party members. Overall, Patch 1.8.0 was a major update that improved the World of Warcraft experience for players. While this patch is interesting from a historical perspective, it is unlikely to be of much use to current WoW players. If you're looking for information on the latest version of World of Warcraft, you can find it on the official Blizzard website. For up-to-date flight tracking information, check out