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Regalito del viernes...

Esta es una discusión para el tema Regalito del viernes... en el foro WoW, bajo la categoría Top Games; Continuando con los tips,strategies o xploits xD ... Algo de info para los que no tienen los instance maps:!orderBy=17...
Página: 1

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 may, 02


    Continuando con los tips,strategies o xploits xD ...

    Algo de info para los que no tienen los instance maps:!orderBy=17

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 may, 02

    Predeterminado Special Chicken ( Solo Alliance )

    Otro mas para vuestro fin de semana...

    This was told to me by a friend about an hour ago and cant wait to get home from work and try it.

    -go to the chicken farm a little west of goldshire
    -target a chicken and type /chicken over and over (making a mocro highly recomended b/c it takes about as long as clicking on critters to make them explode in prevoius warcraft games)
    -Eventually instead of exploding the chicken "looks at you interestingly" and gets a ! abouve it's head
    -it sends you on a quest to get "special chicken feed"
    -when you have the feed (from saldeanas farm in westfall) go back and type /chicken then /cheer
    -click on the chicken again (it has a ? over head now) and when the quest is finished it will shortly lay an egg you can click on to recieve a super cool and ultra rare (i've never seen .... though that will soon change prarie chicken.....


  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de IStillHaveAPeon
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 jun, 03
    fooling around with Aussie Girls

    Predeterminado Re: Special Chicken ( Solo Alliance )

    Cita Iniciado por NukCrash
    Otro mas para vuestro fin de semana...

    This was told to me by a friend about an hour ago and cant wait to get home from work and try it.

    -go to the chicken farm a little west of goldshire
    -target a chicken and type /chicken over and over (making a mocro highly recomended b/c it takes about as long as clicking on critters to make them explode in prevoius warcraft games)
    -Eventually instead of exploding the chicken "looks at you interestingly" and gets a ! abouve it's head
    -it sends you on a quest to get "special chicken feed"
    -when you have the feed (from saldeanas farm in westfall) go back and type /chicken then /cheer
    -click on the chicken again (it has a ? over head now) and when the quest is finished it will shortly lay an egg you can click on to recieve a super cool and ultra rare (i've never seen .... though that will soon change prarie chicken.....

    esa es vieja nuk!

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