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Ptr 2.2 blezz de 30 mins seeeee

Esta es una discusión para el tema Ptr 2.2 blezz de 30 mins seeeee en el foro WoW, bajo la categoría Top Games; Aki la info ke me interesa xD ...:cheesy: PTR 2.2 Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Avatar de juankal
    Fecha de ingreso
    07 may, 06
    Tacna, Peru

    Predeterminado Ptr 2.2 blezz de 30 mins seeeee

    Aki la info ke me interesa xD ...:cheesy:

    PTR 2.2
    Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased to 10 minutes.
    Greater Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased to 30 minutes

    Algo es algo pero huberia preferido ke aumente los greater a 1hora y los otros a 30 mins... weno no es lo unico ke trae este parche

    Blessing of Freedom cooldown increased to 25 seconds.
    • Blessing of Protection: This spell can no longer be cast on others when stunned. It can only be cast on self (to break the stun) under those circumstances.
    • Blessing of Sacrifice now has a 1-minute cooldown

    Nerfeada a los palas "areneros" ? :roll: xD

    Aki el post con las notas del parche hasta el momento

  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de IStillHaveAPeon
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 jun, 03
    fooling around with Aussie Girls

    Predeterminado Re: Ptr 2.2 blezz de 30 mins seeeee

    makes sense

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de Loiosh
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 nov, 06
    En algun lugar fuera del mundo civilizado. En el medio de ninguna parte.

    Predeterminado Re: Ptr 2.2 blezz de 30 mins seeeee

    Unas perlitas del parche:

    - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Lower City Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.

    - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance: The reagents required for this recipe have been adjusted to better match the level 70 content.

    - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance: The reagents required for this recipe have been adjusted to better match the level 70 content.

    - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.

    - Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Thrallmar Quartermaster and Honor Hold Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.

    - Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.

    - Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Sha'tar Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.

    - Formula: Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Violet Eye vendor. (+20 de agilidad en arma de una mano)

    Esto es algo que mucha gente pidió en los foros. Buenas recetas de enchanting a las que mucha gente no tenia acceso porque eran drops en AQ20/AQ40 y como ya casi nadie iba alli pues carecía de sentido que permencezcan siendo drops de dichas instancias.

    Punto para Blizzard y los enchanters :D
    Si cierras los ojos, quizás puedas ver el mar; si miras hacia atrás, quizás puedas recordar. Si gritas, luchas y alzas tu mano, quizás puedas volar y alcanzar la libertad.

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