Revisando los foros ke visito seguido encontre esto :cheesy: (May 30 2008)
* Eclipse - now lasts 30 sec (up from 12) and has a 2 min cooldown.
* Owlkin Frenzy - 25% spell haste ditched, now gives balance spell pushback immunity on proc.
* Imp Moonkin Form - 100% spell haste changed to 20%.
* Soothe Animal - Now affects dragonkin.
* Celestial Focus, Vengeance, Focused Starlight, Moonglow - Now also affect Starfall.
* Entangling Roots - Now ticks every second.
* Lunar Guidance - Changed to 4/8/12% (down from 8/16/24%).
* Starfall - Extra damage radius changed to 5 yards (down from 10).
* Nature's Fury - No longer converts bonus healing into damage.
* King of the Jungle (new) - While Enraged in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, your damage is increased by 5/10/15%, and your Tiger's Fury ability also instantly restores 20/40/60 energy.
* Nurturing Instinct - Changed from 50/1000% agi as healing to 35/70%.
* Primal Aggression - Increases damage done by your Maul and Shred attacks on bleeding targets by 2/4/6/8/10%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Ferocious Bite ability on bleeding targets by 10/20/30/40/50%.
* Reinforced Hide - removed.
* Challenging Roar - Cooldown changed to 3 min (down from 10).
* Maul - Description changed to "A strong attack that increases melee damage by x and causes a high amount of threat."
* Predatory Strikes - Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear and Moonkin Forms by 50%/100%/150% of your level and 7%/14%/20% of any attack power on your equipped weapon.
* Ferocious Bite, Rip - Damage values changed.
* Primal Precision - Changed from 30/60% energy return on failed finisher to 40/80%.
* Berserk - Changed.
o Old: Removes all Stun, Fear, Snare and Movement Impairing Effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 20% while in Bear form. After the effect ends, the health is lost. Effect lasts 20 seconds.
o New: Reduces the energy cost of your Cat form abilities by 50% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 30% and causes your Mangle (Bear) and Maul abilities hit up to 3 maximum targets while in Bear form or Dire Bear form. Berserk instantly clears all effects which cause loss of control of your character, and makes you immune to them for the duration. Lasts 20 sec.
* Lock Jaw (new) - Finishing move that stuns the target and deals damage. Lasts longer per combo point: x points: x+1 seconds (level 75)
* Gift of the Earthmother (new) - Reduces the global cooldown of your Rejuvenation and Lifebloom spells by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec, and causes your Healing Touch and Nourish spells to refund 1/2/3/4/5% of their base cost for each healing over time effect on the target.
* Spark of Nature - removed.
* Nature's Swiftness - Added "with a casting time under 10 sec" to description.
* Improved Tranquility - Threat modifier changed to 30/60% (down from 50/100%).
* Empowered Touch - Changed to 20/40% (up from 10/20%).
* Living Seed - Proc chance changed to 33/66/100% (up from 20-100%) and effect changed to 30% (up from 15%).
* Replenish - Proc chance changed to 5/10/15% (up from 4/7/10%).
* Nourish - Additional heal changed to "an additional 12% for each Rejuvenation, Regrowth or Lifebloom effect cast by you active on the target" (old: +387-450 if Rejuvenation was on the target).
* Improved Divine Spirit - Changed to 3/6% (down from 5/10%).
* Circle of Healing - Cooldown changed to 6 sec (down from.
* Pain and Suffering (new) - Your Mind Flay has a 33/66/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain on the target, and reduces the damage you take from your own Shadow Word: Death by 20/40/60%.
* Twisted Faith (new) - Increases your Shadow damage by 6/12/18/24/30% of your total Spirit, and your damage done by your Mind Flay and Mind Blast is increased by 1/2/3/4/5% for each of your Shadow damage over time effects on the target.
* Improved Shadowform - Changed from 25/50% chance to 50/100% chance to avoid spell pushback in Shadowform.
* Dark Spirit - removed.
* Growing Pains - removed.
* Anger Management - "while in combat" removed from description.
* Mocking Blow - cooldown changed to 1 minute, now usable in defensive stance.
* Sudden Death (new) - Your melee critical hits have a 10%/20/30% chance of allowing the use of Execute regardless of the target's health state.
* Sweeping Strikes - now only affects the next 5 strikes.
* Defensive Stance - now increases threat by 45% (up from 30%).
* Improved Disarm - Bonus damage against disarmed targets 4/7/10% (down from 5-15%)
* Improved Shield Block - Reduces the cooldown of your Shield Block ability by 5/10 sec.
* Shield Specialization - Changed from 1 rage per block to 2.
* Shield Block - Increases your chance to block and the amount blocked by 100% for 5 sec, but will only block 1 attack. 30 sec cooldown.
* Incite (new) - Increases the critical strike chance of your Heroic Strike, Thunder Clap and Cleave abilities by 5%/10%/15%.
* Vigilance (new) - Focus your protective gaze on a friendly target, increasing their chance to dodge by 5%. In addition, any time they are hit by an attack your Taunt cooldown is refreshed. Lasts until cancelled. This effect can only be on one target at a time.
* Shield Slam - Replaced with Vigilance (now trainable).
* Defiance - Replaced with Incite. Extra 15% threat now default for defensive stance.
* Death's Embrace - Now affects Shadowburn instead of Haunt.
* Soul Depletion - Energy and Runic Power drain rate changed to 8 (down from 10).
* Cripple (new) - Cripples the target, reducing movement speed by 75%, pacifying and silencing the target. Cripple causes the target to be immune to physical attacks, but still vulnerable to spells. Lasts 20 sec. Only 1 target can be crippled at a time. (1.5 sec cast, no cooldown)
* Atrocity - Replaced with Cripple. (possibly trainable?)
* Metamorphosis - Immolation - Self damage removed.
* Spell Lock - "silencing the enemy" added to description.
* Shadow Vulnerability - now only affects non-periodic spells.
* Chaos Bolt (Rank 1) (new) - Sends a bolt of Chaotic Fire at the enemy, dealing 990-1256 Fire damage. Chaos Bolt cannot be resisted, and pierces through absorption and immunity mechanics. (51 point, 715 mana, 1.45 sec cast, 8 sec cooldown)
* Devastate - Replaced with Chaos Bolt. Exhaustion removed from description. (possibly trainable?)
* Invisibility - Fade out time changed to 3 sec (down from 5).
* Charge - Description changed to read "animal" instead of "boar".
* Gore - Gores the enemy, causing x damage. This attack has a 50% chance to inflict double damage, or triple damage if used just after a Charge.
* Cheap Shot - "Awards 2 combo points" removed from description.
Death Knight
Huge amount of changes hidden. Click to show.
Click to hide.
* Most places mentioning "Runeblade" changed to "Rune Weapon"
* Death and Decay damage changed to (100/121/190/241)+0.039*AP and random component removed
* Death Strike deals 60% weapon damage
* Icy Touch cooldown reduced to 4 seconds
* Blood Tap - Level 55, Costs 15% of Base Health
o "Immediately activates a Blood Rune and temporarily converts it into a Death Rune. This rune counts as a Blood, Unholy, or Frost Rune. Lasts 30 seconds"
* Chromatic Rune Mastery - Replaced by Death Rune Mastery - "Whenever a rune activates, it has a 2% chance of converting into a Death Rune."
* Degeneration - DOT Stacks up to 3 times. "Unable to be healed by periodic heals" effect removed
* Mind Freeze - cooldown increased to 10sec and duration increased to 4 seconds
* Death Coil - Works on undead enemies
* All presences have 1 second cooldown, but won't trigger GCD
* Butcher changed to Butchery
o "Whenever you kill an enemy that grants experience or honor, you generate 10/20 runic power. In addition you generate 1 runic power per 3 sec."
* Scent of Blood - charges reduced to 2
* Mark Of Blood - Cooldown removed, can only be placed on enemy
* Vendetta - Heal reduced to 3%
* Sudden Death renamed to Sudden Doom
* Blood Rune Mastery (NYI) - proc chance changed to 10%
* Unholy Rune Mastery (NYI) - proc chance changed to 10%
* Heart Strike renamed to Obliterate, 150% weapon damage + 300 per desease
* Merciless Combat (NYI) changed
o "Your Frost attacks do an additional 20%/40%/60% damage when striking targets with less than 20% health."
* Pestilence renamed to Infested Corpse
* Crypt Fever - stacks up to 3 times
* Ferocious Dead - added "Death Pact grants a heal over time effect for 15 sec equal to 50% of the amount healed"
* Lichborn - 15 minutes cooldown removed, 5 minute category cooldown added (shared with what?)
* Frozen Rune Weapon - Also has a chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Frost damage
* Frost Strike - changed: "A strong attack that increases melee damage by 200 and causes your attack to deal Frost damage. Has a 30% chance to freeze the target." GCD removed
* On a Pale Horse - changed:
o "You become as hard to stop as death itself. The duration of all Stun and Fear effects used against you is reduced by 10%, and your mounted speed is increased by 10%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects."
* Midnight Sun replaced with Unbreakable Armor
o "Whenever you use a Frost Rune, you have a 5% chance of increasing your armor by 30% and your Parry chance by 30% for 10 sec."
* Chillbanes - renamed to Chilling Focus. Effect changed to 25%/50%/75%
* Shadow of Death - Duration increased to 45 sec
* Corpse Explosion - changed
o "Unleashes all available runic power to cause a targeted corpse to explode for 12 Shadow damage per 10 runic power to all enemies within 20 yards."
* Improved Icy Touch - changed
o "Increases the damage done by your Icy Touch spell by 5%/10%."
* Blade Barrier (NYI) - duration reduced to 8 seconds.
* Howling Blast - changed
o "Blast the target with a frigid wind dealing 719-782 Frost damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Deals triple damage to frozen targets."
* Frozen Dread Plate replaced by Frigid Dreadplate
o "Enemies who hit you in melee have a 5% chance to become unsettled, decreasing their attack speed by 50% for the next 3 swings."
* Will of the Necropolis - effect changed to 10%/20%/30%
* Hungering Cold - NYI removed
o "Unleashes all available runic power to eradicate all heat from around the Death Knight, freezing enemies within [???] yards and preventing them from performing any action for 2 sec per 10 runic power. Enemies are considered frozen, but any damage will break the ice." Stun renamed to "Frozen."
* Summon Gargoyle - "The Gargoyle remains until the summoner runs out of Runic Power." changed to flat 1 minute duration
* Wandering Plague - Changed "This damage will not cancel spells normally cancelled when targets take damage." to "This spell ignores targets with effects cancelled by taking damage"
* Glacier Rot - Hungering Cold removed from affected spells
* Spell Deflection - changed to "You have a chance equal to your Parry chance of taking 20%/30% less damage from a direct damage spell."
* Dance of the Dead - renamed to Dirge
* Deathchill - Changed to
o "When activated, increases your critical strike chance with Frost spells by 100% for the next 6 sec."
* Blood Gorged - changed to
o "When you are above 75% health, your melee damage is increased by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%."
* Tundra Stalker - Howling Blast removed from affected spells list
* Anti-Magic Field replaced by Anti-Magic Zone - "Places a large, static Anti-Magic Zone which can protect any party members inside it. The Anti-Magic Zone absorbs 75% of the damage dealt by the next harmful spell. Absorbs a limited amount of damage"