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Para los que ya son lvl60 o lvl50>

Esta es una discusión para el tema Para los que ya son lvl60 o lvl50> en el foro WoW, bajo la categoría Top Games; Asumo que ya la gran mayoria debe ser lvl60 o cerca de esto, aca una estrategia de farming: First of ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    02 may, 02

    Predeterminado Para los que ya son lvl60 o lvl50>

    Asumo que ya la gran mayoria debe ser lvl60 o cerca de esto, aca una estrategia de farming:

    First of all, let me say that this is for level 60's only. Aggro range is the most important part of this little "trick," and anything below 60 will have a much harder time.

    Quick summary of what this is:
    You run the 3rd instance of SM over and over, you will average about 4 green items per run and you can do a complete run in about 4 minutes.

    One of the most confusing parts is figuring out how to reset the instance properly. What you want to do, is this...

    /invite friend
    Promote your friend to leader
    Enter instance, do the run
    Exist instance
    Leave team

    ...then repeat that over and over.

    Now, as far as the run goes, this would be a good time to go ahead and watch the video real quick:


    Basically, once you enter, you work your way to the middle of the zone, walk up the steps (i always choose the right side), and check both sides for a chest. There's always going to be 1 chest in 1 of 2 spots, if you don't see it when you walk up the steps then go check out the other side like I did. Unless you're a rogue, you wont always be able to open every single one of the chests. I'd say that about 1 in 3 of the chests will be locked. So if it's locked, just skip it and move to the named mob. If it's not locked, kill the 1 mob that's guarding it, loot it, and move on. (remember time is important here)

    Now, hopefully you brought your SM key, so open the main door to the boss room. This room is 1 of the harder parts, there are several ways to get through it, but you'll have to kind of weave through the mobs. usually it's easier to wait for patrols to move by, but if you're really careful you can just hug the columns and not get any aggro, and not have to worry about patrol @ all. once you manage to get pass all of that, head to the room w/ the secret named mob. the monk in here will sometimes be guarding another chest, if he is just kill him and loot it, if he's not then just skip him. right click the torch to open the secret room, and pwn the named mob. he'll drop 2-3 greens, almost always 3, but every now and then only 2. now that you've completed the run, just trace your steps backwards and head out of the instance. you don't have to worry too much about getting aggro this time, as long as you can take a few hits while running out

    i just do this over and over until all of my bags are full, then head to IF and throw up everything on the AH, except for the items that simply won't sell (ie mail gauntlets with spirit and intel). try to place low buyouts, you're trying to unload as much loot as possible, i usually make my buyouts about 3x what the AH wants to start the price.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de BeeK
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 dic, 03


    buena guia :)

    Diablo III: ShotteK - DH
    wow(Skullcrusher): (Sham: Katxe, Mage: Tefx) - Retirado
    wc3: rsm-, ShotteK

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