Yay Juankal si q me has informado.
/Point ;D
Esta es una discusión para el tema OMFG!!! World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King en el foro WoW, bajo la categoría Top Games; Yay Juankal si q me has informado.
/Point ;D...
Página: 2
omg!!!!! foto y informacion sakada del afiche:
*The dark, necromatic Death Knight - the first new character class added to World of Warcraft since its launch.
*Northrend, the harsh, icy continent where the Lich King holds rule, complete with new zones, quests, items and monsters.
*New level cap of 80 providing access to mighty new powers and talents
*New battlegrounds featuring siege engine warfare and destructable buildings
*Expanding character customisation options including new hairstyles & dances, the ability to change the hairstyles of existing characters, and new skin color variants.
Confirmado....(live stream)
Death Knight=hero class
New Hero Class: Death Knight
World of WarCraft's first Hero Class is a plate-wearing tank/DPS hybrid that works a little something like this: When players hit level 80, they'll be able to embark on a quest (similar in difficulty to the Warlock's epic mount quest, back before the level cap was raised to 70) that unlocks the ability to create a Death Knight character. The Death Knight starts at a high level (somewhere around 60 or 70, though Blizzard isn't certain yet), so you won't have to grind your way back up all over again. It's intended as an alternative, advanced class for end-game use only.
Rather than using rage, energy, or mana, Death Knights have a special "rune sword" displayed beneath their health bar, onto which the player can etch six different runes (choose between Frost, Blood, and Unholy). Different abilities require different mixes of runes, and using abilities consumes the requisite runes until a cooldown timer causes them to be available again. Stuff like talents, spells, and other specifics are still being finalized. So are key questions like what races can be a Death Knight (start a Gnome petition now) and whether unlocking the Hero Class on one server means you can create a Death Knight on any server.
Miren el nuevo mapa de Azeroth
Kazzer's Games
CC Plaza Vitarte Block "B" Stand "120-121"
Raideando en Ragnaros
Es increíble todo lo que un poco de competencia puede hacer =).
Warhammer Online - Fútbol americano de Fantasía - Vuélvete un trome en HoN
miren este videito q encontre -> http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/13700
pd : lo q no entiendo es xq el D.K es se puede crear mediante un quest y encima lvl 80 Y_Y ... ojala q no sea asi y simplemente hacer click en create new character...class..deathkight <3
mi shammy :3
tu envidia es mi progreso .- by chofer d combi
Will green items in Northrend be better than Tier 4?
Yes, we do expect to see the same kind of progression. We were happy overall with the way it worked. If you're decked out in Illidan gear or the new raid zone that I can't mention just yet that will be out before the expansion, that gear will last you a while. But players like upgrades early and often.
OMG!!! Instance mejor que BT o Hyjal?!
^ Kish Human Death Knight^
LA Ragnaros
El tier 3 TODAVIA es usable (Bracers,Belt y boots) :)
^ Kish Human Death Knight^
LA Ragnaros
yo kiero ver panditas tambien QQ
lol y la info sigue llegando , ahora estan anunciando en el panel de dungeons y raids , la nueva instance de 25 :
A new raid dungeon harder than Black Temple will be added before the expansion. Expect this to be the Sunwell Plateau with the final boss being Kil'Jaeden.
asi como tambien la "incorporacion" o "copia" como kieran verlo, de addons a la ui del wow como se hiso en el pasado con el sct , ct raid , y tantos otros:
Built-in threat meter for players so that managing threat is a bit easier.
mas info en el primer post
Es ingusto que el video solo se muestre a la Alianza... weno tal vez sea porque es Arthas el supuesto boss porque en el Bc esta ilidans uhmmm... y se ve a mucha horda xD... ahora con esta Actualizacion da mucho mas ganas jugarlo... WOW no encontraras mejor juego que este ^^
[LaND LorD] •.§ØûL.• x)
HoN Canal: /join bloodzone Nick: Oos0uLxD
Wow Pjs: Söul - Mago lvl 80 Puzzycat - Dk lvl 80 Server: Ragnaros
habra alguna mecha entre ilidan y arthas?? ya q cuando pasas el frozen ellos se mechan antes d q arthas sube a icecrown...y sobre los pandas..en verdad q los pongan o les den algo chikito..al menos su puesto de chifa xD
pd: alguien plz responde eso sobre el D.K(death kight) si va ser creado SOLO x un quest y en lvl 80 :(..xq en verdad me parece bien gay eso.. QQ
mi shammy :3
tu envidia es mi progreso .- by chofer d combi