How I Fixed my Ping
To make this clear, I don’t know how this works, I just know that it worked for me. People asked me to post it so here it is, use at your own risk.
About two months ago my latency was anywhere from 180-250. My current latency is anywhere from 40-90. I was under the impression that the “ping fix” from years back had been made irrelevant by some blizzard changes, but I was corrected. Here are the steps I took.
Go to Start(inicio)
Go to Run(Ejecutar)
Type(tipear) : regedit
Mirar la Imgen de abajo....
Hacer click derecho en el folder de interfaces
Go to ‘new’ (ir a nuevo)
Click on DWORD value (variable Dword)
Rename this value to: TcpAckFrequency
Right click this and click on Modify
Change the ‘Value Data’ to: 1 (cambiar el valor de la DAta a 1)
Do the same for each of the folders in Interfaces (hacer mismo procedimiento para todas las carpetas de interfaces)
Restart your computer (reiniciar la computadora
After that, hopefully things should be improved some. Hope this helps.
Apreciacion: No lo he probado aun pero parece prometer , esperemos que sirva para nuestros servidor latinoamericanos y posteen sus resultado . Espero que ayude . Saludos
PD: Perdonen mi mala traduccion GG