bueno el dia de ayer vi en los news de knightonline que PunkBuster open beta estaba listo pero la verdad no se en que consiste esto, si alguien me pudiera explicar se lo agradeceria mucho :D
Esta es una discusión para el tema PunkBuster Open Beta en el foro Knight Online, bajo la categoría Top Games; bueno el dia de ayer vi en los news de knightonline que PunkBuster open beta estaba listo pero la verdad ...
Página: 1
bueno el dia de ayer vi en los news de knightonline que PunkBuster open beta estaba listo pero la verdad no se en que consiste esto, si alguien me pudiera explicar se lo agradeceria mucho :D
Gantz; muy buen manga recomendable :D
Asi es el Punk Buster es un nuevo agregado al "Hack Shield" lo que hace este programa es lo siguiente :
* Scannea tu HardWare.
* Ve que programa estas usando en paralelo con el Knight Online
* Bloquea el DLL INJECT "koHack", antiguo Kosp.(solo algunos puertos).
El Punk Buster esta en modo beta, algunos valientes seran los conejillos de indias para ver si este programa no es tan buggeado como el HackShield.
En fin este programa pondra fin a algunos de los cheaters deprotegidos, pero no erradicara el dupe.
lee las reglas - domain_
ah ok entiendo, bueno espero que tenga exito este antihack, si hay alguna novedad sobre este proyecto espero lo posteen :D
Gantz; muy buen manga recomendable :D
Hoy a las 22 Horas pacifico,
KO TEAM y VGaming hizo publico el primer fracaso
del Punk BUSTER, funca para war guilds, y entre otros....
pero para KO no sera igual.......
We having some troubles and issues about new Punk Buster ....
Bull SHIT...
hasta ahora el mejor server anti duper, y cheaters es el JPKO, tanto asi que ya detecta al KOSP user, incluso su ban masivo deja boqui abiertos
todos los usarios del KO, increible ?, pues miren la pagina del kOSP, esta en fracaso y sus usuarios estan como cuando empezaron.
Ahora JPKO esta mas feroz que nunca, el que juege en JPKO que diga algun comentario :
lee las reglas - domain_
bueno hace unos instantes el GM en el server 1 Olimpia, dijo que a los que participaran en el Punk Buster Open Beta, les dara 1000% de exp en 1 hora, asi que entre ala pagina y esto pude sacar:
Frequently Asked Questions about PunkBuster for
Knight Online
I keep getting kicked by PunkBuster for "Insufficient O/S Privileges". Is there some way to modify my system configuration to be an administrator equivalent from PunkBuster's perspective in Win2k/XP Pro?
Yes (under Win XP Pro or Win 2K). This can be accomplished by setting certain privileges for the user that will run the game. To do this, first temporarily log in as an Administrator. Then go to Control Panel => Administrative Tools => Local Security Policy. This will open up the Local Security setting window. Expand the Local Policies folder and select User Rights Assignment. This will bring up a list of security settings for the computer. You will need to add the user that will be launching the game to have the following privileges. If the user is logged in while making changes, the user must be logged out and back in for the changes to take effect.
Debug Programs
Load and unload device drivers
Manage auditing and security log
Modify Firmware environment values
Profile Single Process
This is done by double clicking on the setting and then the "Add User or Group" button. You can either type the user or group name into the field or click on advanced to select from a list. If you select advanced, you may need to click on the "Object Types" button and make sure all 3 boxes are checked. Then click "OK". Click on the "Find Now" button to generate a full list of all users and groups on the system. Highlight the user you want to add the rights to and click "OK". Keep clicking "OK" untill you are back at the Local Security Settings window. Repeat this process for the rest of the list. That user will now be able to play on PB servers without getting kicked for "Inadequate O/S Privileges".
I keep getting kicked by PunkBuster for "Insufficient O/S Privileges". Is there some way to modify my system configuration to be an administrator equivalent from PunkBuster's perspective in XP Home, or for Pro Users that get their rights reset?
Download and run this file from any location, it will check for adware that stops you from being able to play on PB servers. The VX2 adware edits your user rights when it infects your computer, and many programs do not repair this when they remove it. http://www.downloads.subratam.org/VX2Finder.exe
Click the "Find VX2.betterinternet info" button to make sure that you don't have this adware. If there are no files listed, go on to the last step. If you find the adware files, (it is usually 3 random named dll files) Select all the files found.
Press 'Delete These Files'.
The program will delete all files but one that will be deleted on reboot. Allow program to reboot. Once Restarted:
Press 'Guardian.reg'.
Press 'User Agent'.
Press 'Restore Policy'.
Clicking on "find vx2.BetterInternet info" again should show all fields blank.
If you have no adware files, just click on the "Restore Policy" Button
How come I never get a reply to emails I send to Even Balance?
Because of the spam and junk email problem that has proliferated over the Internet, more and more mail systems try to automatically filter out email based on where each email originates. Unfortunately, some of these filtering schemes are imperfect. Our support staff makes every effort to answer every single email (we get hundreds per day), usually the same day an email is received. If you have sent us an email and you do not receive a reply within 48 hours, that is almost certainly because your incoming mail server is not reachable from our outgoing mail server. Often this is a DNS problem that prevents our mail server from "finding" other mail servers. However, we have also learned that some "blacklist" services have blacklisted the whole subnet which contains our mail server's IP Address. Not because of anything we have done (we have never sent out spam and we do not allow our mail server to act as an open relay). If you do not get a reply from us, we recommend that you use our new web based support system. Follow this link to create a new trouble ticket HERE.
Why doesn't my PunkBuster Client work even though everything is installed properly?
Check to make sure that you have a PB folder in your game directory. You can use PBSetup to reinstall the PB files. If you need further assistance, please create a new trouble ticket HERE.
My computer locks up or "chugs" sometimes while I'm playing with PunkBuster Enabled, what can cause this?
PunkBuster "pushes" hardware and the Windows Operating System more than most software and uses functions in the Windows API (low level functions) that aren't used by most other programs. As such, there are a few cases where using PB can actually expose flaky hardware or other situations that don't cause problems for other software. Here are a few things that have helped other users make these problems get better or go away completely:
Make sure you are using the latest version of PunkBuster (the latest version is always on our Download page) - also this link may help manually update your PB to the latest version when necessary
From the game's main screen, press the tilde key (the ~ key) to bring down the console and enter the following line (without the quotes): "/pb_system 1".
Never close other programs from your Windows Task Manager before playing the game, either leave them running or close them through the proper interface - killing a process doesn't always work completely even if it stops showing in the Task Manager and renegade threads seem to conflict with PB more than other programs that may be running in memory. There is a free utility that some players use called EndItAll to close all extra programs before they play to avoid software conflicts, crashes and lockups. You can get it from here.
Check the add/remove programs list in your Control Panel and uninstall any programs that you don't use or that you don't know what they are.
One program that seems to conflict with PB more than others is Norton Anti-Virus. If you have it installed, try uninstalling it to see if the lockups go away. Some players have reported that when this is the culprit, they can reinstall Norton Anti-Virus and the lockups don't come back.
Other background programs that seem to conflict with PB for some users are Sound Blaster Live software and helper programs that come with video cards (especially ATI keyboard shortcut programs).
Some players discovered that they had a computer virus and that the lockups vanished after it was fully removed.
Experiment with the pb_sleep setting ... try setting it to 20, 250, or 500 to see if that affects your game performance. A few players have reported that all the problems go away when they "tweak" this setting.
In extreme cases, a few users have reported that replacing their RAM (memory) or video/sound cards fixed the problem.
What does "Received Master Security Information" mean?
During gameplay, the PunkBuster Client will be contacting the Master PunkBuster Servers about new PunkBuster system, database and data files (see section PB Subdirectory and File Information for more information about these file types) as well as other crucial information. This message states that the new information has been received successfully from the Master PunkBuster Servers. If new versions of PunkBuster are transferred to the PunkBuster Client from the PunkBuster Server to which the player is connected, the received files will be validated for integrity based on this Security Information. PunkBuster Server software also confirms the integrity of newly obtained files based on similar Security Information. This is all part of a complicated system designed to prevent Server Admins (and other people) from sending viruses or other unwanted files to your computer using the PunkBuster auto-update system.
Do I have to re-configure my firewall or proxy to use PunkBuster?
PunkBuster uses UDP port 15001 for all communication with the servers. If you have trouble connecting, make sure that port is open.
How do I uninstall PunkBuster?
If you do not wish to use PunkBuster any longer, you may remove the entire "pb" folder inside your game folder. By removing this folder, the PunkBuster software will no longer be available. PunkBuster does not save information to other locations of your hard drive, nor does it change your system registry.
Por lo que pude traducir, tienes que hacer una configuracion en tu pc, despues de instalar el punk buster, haber si alguien sabe exactamente que hacer en la pc para que esto funcione :roll:
Gantz; muy buen manga recomendable :D
Es un test, webas,
seran muchos lo interesados, pero pocos lo que podran entrar ...
al final solo algunos podra entrar es un test chapa tontoos
seguro te inscribiste LOL
lee las reglas - domain_
no por que no se como se inscribe en eso por eso escribi esa data para saber exactamente de que trata :roll:
Gantz; muy buen manga recomendable :D
Para llegar a la meta uno debe tropezar varias veces, en la mayoria de casos eso es verdad; no veo porqué el KOL deba ser la excepción, eh leido infinitas quejas sobre el juego, y es verdad... :) Al menos con el lanzamiento de este programa se ve la intención de la administración de disminuir los hacks, no dudo que despues de algunos intentos se pueda erradicar casi en su totalidad estos problemas. :P
Dios bendiga a la Santa Raza Humana.
A ver si les ayuda algo lolx! 8)
Vas a la seccion noticias y eliges sobre el tema Punk Buster Beta
Hay un Parche bajo todo lo q dice... lo descargas
si tienes el usko instalado bien (QUE APARESCA ENTRE TU LISTA DE TODOS LOS PROGRAMAS)
Instalas el parche
Sino Puedes es q tu USKO esta instalado mal.
Luego instalas el Punk Buster Beta .De ahi ingresas a la carpeta donde instalaste el USKO y t aparece el exe del parche y lo pones como acceso directo y listo entras y a servidr como beta
Creo que es para probar el nuevo tipo de sistema anticheat q tienen
Ojala mejore no es cierto? :oops:
Pierdan su tiempo en el beta! porq lo del bonus ta bien verde :lol:
Ojala les halla ayudado en algo
:evil: :evil:
Punkbustes es el mejor anti hack para war , pero para
funciona en Client Site, osea en tu pc ocurre la magia....
facil como el hack shield .. el punk buster caera :)
espero que no.. :roll:
lee las reglas - domain_
Bueno realmente deseo que tenga exito este programa, ya estoy realmente cansado de los macreros (Surferboy te gusta usar tu macro para matar verdad, eres un mediocreo rogue tela)
4VanDyk lvl 65 !!! Human Forever !!!! Server Ares
Q c0nT!nU3 EvOlUC!0n4NdO El CS en el PERU!!!!
Bien, etre al punk buster con mis patas de cabinas despues de haber bajado el parche del punkbuster y me sale esto cuando entro al server "You have been kicked via PUNKBUSTER for 0 minutes... RESTRICTION: Inadecuate O/S Privileges"... osea si se q significa pero kiero juagr y esto apesta!!!!!! xD
(un favor mandenme un pm explicandome como postear un screen shoot plz)
lo mismo me pasa el punkbuster ta medio locazo por ke yo si he jugado casi todo un dia pero ahora aparece ese mensaje pero en lugar ke diga Inadecuade o/s Privileges me sale No pack flow o algo asi nu entiendo help plzz :D