Lunar Gate War
Server Adonis - Tuesday 5am - 7am (GMT+8)
- Friday 5am - 7am (GMT+8)
Server Cypher - Monday 9pm-11pm (GMT+8)
- Thursday 9pm-11pm (GMT+8)
Experience. Points - You will not lose any experience points in Lunar Gate War.
National Points - When you kill an opposite user you’ll be awarded with 50 national points.
- When you get killed by an user you will lose 25 national points or
- 1% of experience points will deducted for those user that have no more national points left.
Restrictions - 200 users from each nation allow participate for Lunar Gate War.
Level 40 and above.
• 10 minutes after the start of Lunar War, the clan leader of top 5 clans from each nation with the most combines national points will become the commander.
• The commander may use the command “/command” in order to command all the users. Command will show on top of the screen.
• The commanding authority will not be lost even if you get killed.
Taking Control of Enemy’s Base
Leader NPC - The user that kills the enemy’s Leader NPC will have their name appear on the top portion of the screen.
Taking Over - When the user kills all the NPCs in the enemy’s base, the base is considered to be taking over and a notice will appear on the screen.
Jail - The user that kills the enemy’s Leader NPC will have their name appear on the top portion of the screen.
Jail Door - When the user kills all the NPCs in the enemy’s base, the base is considered to be taking over and a notice will appear on the screen.
Summoning - A magician cannot summon their party member that are in jail, but magician that in jail can summon their party member outside the jail.
Protection - You’re only safe in your own nation’s jail.
Requirements For Winning Lunar Gate War
• Kill all enemies 3 Guards NPCs ( Warder 1, Warder 2 and the Keeper NPC )
• If there are no winner after the regular wartime (1st hour), then the nation that killed the most Warder/Keeper will win the war.
• If the both nation have kill the same number of NPCs, then the nation that killed the most users will win the war.
• If the winner is still undecided from requirement 1-3, then the nation that lost the previous Lunar Gate War will win.
1) The number of dead for both nation will be display through the notice on the screen from time to time during the war.
2) Loading screen will change according to the outcome of the Lunar Gate War.
Unable To Use - Calling Friend Scroll.
- Enchant Scroll (STR, DEX, INT, MAGIC, HP and ARMOR).
- Transformation Scroll.
Able To Use - Summons friend skill and call party skill.
Donde haiga un guerrero herido, hay estara "MetalHeart"!!! pueblo de Cypher no teman, muy pronto MetalHeart en Cypher
Metal Heart ... the Hero's Return ...Rise and conquer, let the infidels burn!!!