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🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

Esta es una discusión para el tema 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO] en el foro Knight Online, bajo la categoría Top Games; ...
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  1. #21
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

  2. #22
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    18 days left for beta .... bump ;)

  3. #23
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Beta is closer and closer :)

    Server's Roadmap

    Events in progress:

  4. #24
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Share and tag event ongoing

  5. #25
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

  6. #26
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Beta in 11 days official in 18 days :)

  7. #27
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

  8. #28
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    KO-MYKO v1098 | OLYMPIA| Medium Farm & Easy EXP MYKO SERVER

    BETA: 13. 8. 2021 7 PM GMT+2

    OFFICIAL: 20. 8. 2021 7 PM GMT+2

    Server's Roadmap

    Events in progress:

  9. #29
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Beta Start Date and Time: 13 August 19.00 GMT+2 / Official Opening: 20 August 19.00 GMT+2

  10. #30
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Beta this Friday, less than 4 days left woop woop :)

    Discord: https://discord.ko-myko.com/

  11. #31
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Less than 3 days left for BETA! Friday is here soon :)

    Target mark feature working really well ;)

    Discord 1600+ members: https://discord.ko-myko.com/

    FB SHARE n TAG:https://www.facebook.com/komykophoen...3303368557077/

    BRING YOUR CLAN:https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...i-in-progress/

    FORUM COMMENT:https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...z-in-progress/

    BETA 13.8 EVENT: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...event-1382021/

  12. #32
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    2 days left for beta!

  13. #33
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Beta starts tommorow, get ready to rumble :)

  14. #34
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Beta starts today at 19:00 GMT+2

    -First stage will be some medium starter gear (better then official start but nothing to heavy), you will get lvl up 50 scrolls, master vouchers and lvl 70 skill vouchers already in first stage.
    You will have to do a little bit of exp, max cap 72 is open from start

    -Second stage will be on Monday, we will add free good gear to everyone, so you can enjoy the PK phase. Second stage will last from Monday to Wednesday. Beta will end on Wednesday 18. August.

    Official will start on 20. August, master skill will be locked, level cap will be set to 65 for first week, mystical jewels / wings upgrade is locked and cannot be upgraded in the first phase of official start.

    - We will start official in a way that exp to level 2 will be set to impossible to level up, so everyone can peacfully buy necessary stuff from power up store, because the store will be probably overloaded with requests
    due to high population. We will give period of 10 minutes for everyone to purchase PUS related content, then we will do a quick restart and set the normal EXP so everyone can proceed with gameplay normally.
    This will also give us a safety period, to restore everything normally in case of any crashes in the start

    Official starter gear will be the following:

    Kind reminder about the ongoing events you can still participate IN!

    FB SHARE n TAG:https://www.facebook.com/komykophoen...3303368557077/

    BRING YOUR CLAN:https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...i-in-progress/

    FORUM COMMENT:https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...z-in-progress/

    BETA 13.8 EVENT: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...event-1382021/

  15. #35
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Last 1 hour till beta starts! :)


  16. #36
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    KO-MYKO.COM Olympia BETA ONLINE! OFFICIAL: 20.8.2021
    -El servidor sera reseteado en 1h y 30 minutos y se pondra items para PK para todos los personajes(los nuevos personajes creados tambien recibiran el mismo equipamiento!)
    -El equipamiento sera semi maximo, los magos recibiran staff +8, +2 bf rings para el maximo de daño, meeles +1 elemental meele rings y armas +8, +8 armors, etc.
    -Starter Level Up scrolls seran actualizados y te subira al maximo de nivel 72. Si no estas en el maximo nivel, seras capaz de re usar el scroll y subir al maximo nivel.
    -Tus inventarios e items equipados seran reseados con items de PK. Si tu tienes algun item que ya hayas farmeado y no quieres perderlo, simplemente ponlo en el inn hostess antes que el server sea reseteado y los items permaneceran en tu cuenta, si dejas el item en tu inventario o equipado, se perderá.

  17. #37

  18. #38
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    OLYMPIA OFFICIAL in 4 days! This Friday summer fiesta begins ;)

    Our official discord is already at 1730 members: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8

  19. #39
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

  20. #40
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Hail knights!

    OLYMPIA Beta server has finished!
    Congratulations to all the winners who participated in the Beta event.

    KO-MYKO.COM OLYMPIA Official server will launch this Friday 20.8.2021 - 20:00 TR SAAT

    Make sure you don't miss out all the action and join this spectacular myko server, with amazing international admins.

    Also don't miss your chance to participate in event to win some Knight Cash:

    1. Facebook Share, Tag, Like Event

    2. Bring your clan Event

    3. Forum comment Event

    See you on Friday!

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads
    REGISTER: https://ko-myko.com/register
    FORUM: https://forum.ko-myko.com/
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/komykophoenix
    DROP LIST: https://ko-myko.com/droplist
    EXCHAGES: https://ko-myko.com/exchanges
    QUESTS: https://ko-myko.com/questlist
    UPGRADES: https://ko-myko.com/upgrade_rates
    GUIDES: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...287;reticiler/

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