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Business Class Certification.

Esta es una discusión para el tema Business Class Certification. en el foro Política, bajo la categoría Temas de Interes General; Business Class Certification. How to get a Customs Union declaration. How to get a declaration of conformity of the Customs ...
Página: 1

  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 jun, 21

    Predeterminado Business Class Certification.

    Business Class Certification.
    How to get a Customs Union declaration.
    How to get a declaration of conformity of the Customs Union?
    To do this, you need to:
    collect a set of documents;
    select samples of products (goods) for testing;
    conduct laboratory tests;
    fill out the declaration of conformity;
    submit declarations of conformity together with supporting documents to the certification body;
    wait for the decision on the registration of the declaration in the unified register.
    Registration of the declaration of conformity of the Customs Union can be entrusted to a specialized company on a fee basis.
    We will carry out certification and declaration of the Customs Union in 20 working days with installment payment at 0%, with a 10% discount on the first order
    It should be noted that in parallel with the certification system of the Customs Union, each member country has a national quality control system. Certain goods may be subject to declaration or certification under the national system. But double standards do not apply.
    Upon entry into force of the technical regulations of the Customs Union for a certain group of goods, it is immediately excluded from the list of products subject to mandatory declaration in the national quality control system. Only one document is issued — a certificate or declaration of conformity to the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

  2. #2
    Fecha de ingreso
    29 sep, 21

    Predeterminado Re: Business Class Certification.

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