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"Wilson said that before Blizzard launched the game, the company had a few assumptions about how the Auction Houses would work: He thought they would help reduce fraud, that they’d provide a wanted service to players, that only a small percentage of players would use it and that the price of items would limit how many were listed and sold.
But he said that once the game went live, Blizzard realized it was completely wrong about those last two points. It turns out that nearly every one of the game’s players made use of either house, and that over 50% of players used it regularly. That, said Wilson, made money a much higher motivator than the game’s original motivation to simply kill Diablo, and “damaged item rewards” in the game.
Even though Wilson believes the RMAH has accomplished the goal of reducing account fraud (third-party Diablo 2 item trading sites frequently stole passwords and credit card information), and asserts that there is plenty of evidence to suggest that many people do want it based on the number of transactions happening daily, Wilson now freely admits it was “the wrong solution” to the problems Blizzard was trying to solve. “It’s not good for a game like Diablo. It doesn’t feel good to get items for money, it feels good to get items by killing monsters,” he said, echoing the complaints of a vocal group of fans."
Es alucinante como metieron la pata en este tema. Yo pensaba que crearon el AH por ganar plata nomás pero ahora reconocen que ni eso, sino que no se dieron cuenta de lo podía pasar. Yo no sé como no la pensaron. Desde que le das la oportunidad a la gente de que compre items con $ ya estás trastocando el juego severamente. Espero que si están reconociendo este tipo de errores sea porque realmente van a corregir el juego y cambiar el sistema con los items... pero será posible?
Al menos ahora veo están más receptivos con las sugerencias de los fans pero los cambios demooooran...