Salió la noticia de los nombres de los servers y esta separación con lenguas en el foro oficial acá les dejo el anuncio:
And so it ends again! Huzzah, huzzah.
I hope you guys have had fun over the past three days. For us, it's been very rewarding to watch continuous action in CZ for more than two days straight. The Anvil will have to be cooled with liquid nitrogen.
Two things:
- Hackshield was improved during the course of the beta. However, some people still had difficulties, and some couldn't get in at all. We'll continue to work on this and with a little luck and a lot of hard work it'll be better for official launch. On the bright side, I have not received any reports of large-scale hacking!
- These past few days have shown that not having a language policy can lead to a very unfortunate situation. While we have absolutely nothing against the Turkish language, Turkish players managed to effectively shut down communication between other players, in English. I hesitate to deny people who cannot speak English the ability to play a game. At the same time, communication between players is a very important element of MMOs, and it is important that everybody is able to feel at home. We have therefore come to the following decision:
When we launch, we will have two servers. On one of them, English will be the official language in public chat. This applies to normal chat, shouts, war commands, and king notices; what people speak in their parties and clans is frankly none of our business and is much better policed by players themselves. This policy will be enforced with warnings, mutes, and eventually bans. We will not ban people for speaking poorly, or if a foreign word slips in, etc. To us it is important that if you choose this server, you make an effort to communicate with other players in English.
For players who cannot or do not want to do this, we will provide a server without an official language, and without such a language policy. There you can shout to your heart's content in any language you damn well please, except maybe the kind of language that would be frowned upon in polite company.
These shall be our servers:
- Europa [English Only]
- Rosetta [Free Language]
Congratulations to Grimoire! He knows what he did
Hope to see all of you on November 8!
Oh, and:
Si desean leer la traducción en Español entrar acá :