vamos tusk mismo ken xD
Esta es una discusión para el tema Changelogs en el foro DotA2, bajo la categoría Top Games; vamos tusk mismo ken xD...
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vamos tusk mismo ken xD
Amd Phenom II X4 965 [email protected] 1.37v | CM Hyper 212 plus | MB Asus Crosshair IV 890FX | 2x2GB DDR3 1600 CL7 1.6v G.Skill RipJaw | 1 x Seagate 7200.12 500GB - 2 x Seagate 250GB | Sapphire Radeon HD 5850 Toxic @850/1200 | Monitor SyncMaster P2270 21.5¨ | Case Coolermaster Scout | PSU Corasir TX750.
Update Notes - February 20, 2013
- Added In-game Guides and Hero Builds!
- Players can now be a member of multiple teams.
- Fixed backswing behavior on some of Invoker's skills.
- Fixed Last Word being dispelled by Purge/Cyclone/etc.
- Fixed Last Word interrupting channeling spells if the initial duration ends during the channel.
- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode tournament version.
- Fixed Healing Ward not preserving its hotkey when leveled up.
- Added right click menu to the combat log with "Copy to clipboard" option.
- Added option to render the Co-Broadcaster's camera. Use dota_minimap_draw_cocaster_camera 0 to disable.
- Added new right click option to backpack items to equip the entire set the item belongs to.
- Adjusted hero roles of Windrunner (fewer last hits) and Meepo (more last hits).
- Made Death Prophet bot more likely to use Crypt Swarm in teamfights.
- Made Necrolyte bot a bit more hesitant about using Death Pulse when laning.
- Fixed bots dropping thousands of TP scrolls at the side shops.
- Practice with Bots difficulty and team settings are now saved.
Si quieres buscar CD keys de juegos a precios de salida usa esta pagina que te muestra una lista de paginas vendiendolas
Si tienes cuenta PAGUM y quieres comprar de STEAM USA , dale click y mira como hacerlo .
Update Notes - March 20, 2013
- Clockwerk: Fixed being able to break Hookshot movement with purge/stonegaze/etc.
- Drow Ranger: Marksmanship bonus is removed when there are nearby enemy heroes (instead of just being halved).
- Drow Ranger: Reduced Marksmanship enemy detection aoe reduced from 400 to 375.
- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate manacost from increased 150 to 150/160/170/180.
- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate AOE reduced from 400 to 350.
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak not getting removed by Dark Pact or Kraken Shell.
- Mirana: Fixed cast and attack behaviors during Leap.
- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace duration reduced from 2.75 to 2.25.
- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace cooldown increased from 14 to 23/20/17/14.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death debuff getting dispelled.
- Timbersaw: Fixed attack capability getting reset while Magic Immune when Chakram is used.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death stat drain not affecting Magic Immune units.
- Treant Protector: Living Armor damage reduction is now done for all instances of damage that reduce its charges.
- Tranquil Boots: Disabled speed reduced from 50 to 25.
- Tranquil Boots: Heal increased from 170 to 250.
- Tranquil Boots: Cooldown increased from 40 to 60.
- Tranquil Boots: Heal duration increased from 10 to 20.
- Tranquil Boots: Fixed being able to drop the item to reset its state.
- Tranquil Boots: Fixed damage detection threshold on Tranquil's heal.
- Heaven's Halberd: Disarm is no longer dispelled by Manta.
- Added Timbersaw to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version).
- Fixed attack acquisition range on Disruptor, KOTL, Wisp, Visage and Medusa.
- Fixed Towers sometimes attacking you too soon when moving out of range.
- Added Jakiro bot.
- Added Sand King bot.
- Bots that have been hit by multiple stacks of Sticky Napalm will now contemplate their misfortune further back in the lane.
- Fixed a bug where bots would try to cast stuns when being wildly out of range.
- Minimap now displays illusions for spectators.
- Fixed a bug that caused enemy-created Meepo illusions to get added to the original player's multi-hero interface.
- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Tango and Dust of Appearance.
- Updated Dagon visual effects and scaled it with level.
- Added an effect when Marksmanship is active.
- Fixed music volume bug.
- Fixed a bug preventing heroes from commenting on specific item purchases.
- Fixed AA's ult cast sounds to only play for teammates or nearby enemies that have vision.
- Added a unique sound for Viper's orb attack.
- Added sound to Diffusal Blade purge.
- Various mix tweaks across creeps, ui and the tutorial quest sounds.
- Disabled browsing & submitting in the Test Client, but allowed imports for testing purposes.
- Submissions now have the option of including a PSD containing marketing materials for the submission.
- Added Beastmaster's Hawk and Lone Druid's Bear to the Ability Import list.
- Attack animations now describe the animation timing required for the attack to match the character using them.
Antes de irme a recargar mi tarjeta para comprar entradas para el Ragnarok
Update Notes - March 27, 2013
- Added Bristleback!
- Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger cooldown on level 1 and 3.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Blood armor bonus not carrying over to Illusions.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
- Doom: Fixed Doom damage being blocked by Pipe.
- Enchantress: Fixed Nature's Attendants lasting 1 second less than intended.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break leap moving too fast.
- Magnus: Fixed Shockwave hitting units behind you.
- Mirana: Fixed Mirana's Leap range being slightly too short.
- Nyx Assassin: Fixed Impale traveling too far.
- Phantom Lancer: Fixed being able to have 1 juxtapose illusion too many
- Razor: Fixed Static Link break range being 25 too short.
- Shadow Shaman: Fixed Shackles doing a little less damage than intended.
- Slark: Fixed Pounce not initiating an attack order on the leashed target.
- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld buff getting dispelled.
- Visage: Fixed Familiars not getting affected by Chronosphere.
- Weaver: Fixed being The Swarm units being unable to Latch onto sleeping units.
- Weaver: Fixed The Swarm getting permanently dispelled if the enemy is invulnerable .
- Weaver: Fixed the Swarm units not doing their initial attack immediately upon latching.
- Added Psuedo Random chance for Roshan's Bash.
- Fixed Eye of Skadi frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
- Fixed Diffusal Blade proccing multiple damage instances.
- Fixed heroes flickering on the minimap when walking by Sentry Wards while under Smoke of Deceit.
- Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.
- Added ability and item notes, detailed tooltips that will display only if ALT is pressed.
- Adjusted Replay Highlight scene leadin time a bit.
- Arcane Boots now has 'mana' as a shop alias.
- Wisp name change to Io.
- Added 10 second rewind button to replay controls.
- Spectator Items panel now takes up less space and shows items ordered by value.
- Steam friends can be added, removed, and friendship requests confirmed/ignored from within Dota 2.
- New Vengeful Spirit model.
- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Gem of True Sight, Observer Wards, and Sentry Wards.
- Added Bounty Hunter bot.
- Significantly revised how Roam mode works.
- Revised Beastmaster's voice.
- Added the Treasure Key of the Cursed Wood and the Treasure Key of the Shaper Divine.
- Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.
- The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.
- Added new sets for Brewmaster, Lich, Riki, Juggernaut, Beastmaster, and Spectre.
- Added a couple new couriers!
Si quieres buscar CD keys de juegos a precios de salida usa esta pagina que te muestra una lista de paginas vendiendolas
Si tienes cuenta PAGUM y quieres comprar de STEAM USA , dale click y mira como hacerlo .
Esperaba el ingreso del Bristleback, aunque no estoy satisfecho con el concepto (parece una zarigüeya sayayin) su presencia le vendrá bien a la escena competitiva cuando lo habiliten al cm.
Ese heroe es el armadillon de HoN ?
Specs: Intel Core i5 2500K | MSI B3 | Corsair 4x4GB DDR3-1600 | ASUS GTX 1060 6GB VRAM | ANTEC KUHLER H2O 920 | SSD Corsair Neutron - 256GB + HDD 500GB Barracuda | CoolerMaster GX-Series 750W | CM Storm Enforcer | W8.1 Pro x64 | Tt Challenger Pro | Steelseries Sensei | Logitech MX518 | MS XBOX 360 Wireless | Windows 10 Pro | OnePlus One 64GB Sandstone Black
No se ve tan tanque como el de HoN.
Specs: Intel Core i5 2500K | MSI B3 | Corsair 4x4GB DDR3-1600 | ASUS GTX 1060 6GB VRAM | ANTEC KUHLER H2O 920 | SSD Corsair Neutron - 256GB + HDD 500GB Barracuda | CoolerMaster GX-Series 750W | CM Storm Enforcer | W8.1 Pro x64 | Tt Challenger Pro | Steelseries Sensei | Logitech MX518 | MS XBOX 360 Wireless | Windows 10 Pro | OnePlus One 64GB Sandstone Black
Si hablamos de quien es mas "tanque" ugh que fea palabra, el bristeblack lo es.
Reduced Damage (Rear): 16%/24%/32%/40%
Reduced Damage (Side): 8%/12%/16%/20%
Reduced Damage (Rear): 10%/29%/30%/40%
Reduced Damage (Side):5%/10%/15%/20%
Personalmente no me gusta como fue disenhado.
Hasta que porfin UPDATE decente
- Added Skywrath Mage!
- Added stricter system implementing communication (voice and text) bans for abusive players.
- Combined voice and text reports into a single 'communication' report.
- Reduced reports per week to 4.
- Removed ability for spectators to report players in-game.
- Reports now allow single selection of behavior type only.
- Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes losing vision after the second cast.
- Doom: Scorched Earth now shows its duration on the buff icon.
- Lich: Fixed Frost Armor auto-casting while Lich is channeling.
- Magnus: Fixed a rare crash involving Skewer.
- Slardar: Fixed Slithereen Crush not slowing attack speed.
- Spectre: Fixed Haunt illusions moving while out of the game.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain travelling too fast.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain not latching quite far enough.
- Tusk: Fixed Tusk not issuing an attack order on the snowballed unit after the snowball crashes.
- Enabled Drow and Tusk to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version next week)
- Added tab to the Watch section showing downloaded replay files.
- Riki: Added Smoke Screen and Blink Strike animations.
- Sniper: Added victory animations and more aggressive posing of idle, run and attack when enemy is in range.
- Bots now know to avoid standing in Macropyre and Ice Path.
- Added a button to the preview that allows you to test your imported model in-game, in a local server.
Update Notes - April 17, 2013
Última edición por TheUndertaker; 17/04/2013 a las 17:00
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Update Notes - May 1, 2013
- Added Elder Titan!
- Fixed a bug that was allowing extra report submissions on Sundays.
- Revised the Community page.
- Added an icon for league games to the Live, Recent and Downloaded game lists.
- Changed Heroes Played and Game History to be popups in the Profile.
- Numerous improvements to the Tournament Scheduling interface.
- Fixed Buy Back availability in spectator dropdown being inaccurate sometimes.
- Improved web browser performance.
- Fixed hitches when spectating games and switching between heroes.
- New lines added to Skywrath Mage, Timbersaw, and Bristleback.
- Added an Animation Overlay dropdown to the Workshop Model Preview.
- Added Lycanthrope's wolves to the Ability Model import list.
Si quieres buscar CD keys de juegos a precios de salida usa esta pagina que te muestra una lista de paginas vendiendolas
Si tienes cuenta PAGUM y quieres comprar de STEAM USA , dale click y mira como hacerlo .
Update Notes - May 8, 2013
Added Solo Matchmaking option. This is an experimental feature that will match you with players who also queued without being in a party. This is the first step in a series aimed at improving the matchmaking system.
- Reduced the number of negative reports per week to 2 as part of our ongoing efforts to improve and tune the reporting and ban systems.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Legacy Keys
- Drow Ranger: Fixed Frost Arrows slowing Spirit Bear for the full creep duration
- Tusk: Fixed Walrus Punch having 1 less second of slow than intended.
- Tusk: Fixed Armlet sometimes causing Walrus Punch to disappear after using Snowball.
- Reduced memory usage on systems with 2GB of RAM or less
Si quieres buscar CD keys de juegos a precios de salida usa esta pagina que te muestra una lista de paginas vendiendolas
Si tienes cuenta PAGUM y quieres comprar de STEAM USA , dale click y mira como hacerlo .
- CM Time Penalty change from 20/50/90 to 30/70/110.
- Fixed it being possible to find out where enemy player cameras were looking.
- Prepared Dota 2 for VAC support.
- Added support for forming and managing Guilds. You can invite, kick, promote, and demote members. They have a guild message that can be edited, a logo, and a chat channel. We'll be continuing with development of additional Guild functionality!
- Added the ability to open a party to a guild, which allows members of a specified guild to freely join the party. Players can browse open guild parties that are available to them.
- NOTE: Guilds will remain disabled on the main client this week. They should be fully live next week.
- Quick Cast moved to separate keybindings, instead of sharing autocast's bindings.
- Quick Cast can now be used on the minimap.
- Private lobbies can now specify the Dota TV delay between 10 seconds and two minutes. Six minute delay is available for league lobbies.
- The list of matchmaking regions is now sorted by distance from the user. Closer regions will be at the top of the list.
- The matchmaking system will now notify players if a region they wish to play in has gone offline for maintenance.
- Removed spectator item popups for wards, couriers, and dust.
- Fixed Aegis reclaim message popping up erroneously.
- Updates and minor revisions to some Zeus, Alch, and Pugna ability SFX.
- Added -nomicsettings launch option for users of external voice chat software.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on multi-core CPUs.
- Fixed a crash when returning from alt-tab.
- Fixed an audio problem that could occur when disabling the active audio device.
- Added 7 pages of Main Event predictions.
- Added Team Cup results page.
- Fixed limited hero selection in Workshop In-Game test.
- Added particle import step to some weapon importers that have gameplay-required particles attached to them (in-game particle preview not finished yet).
Sources: Dota 2 Dev
Fuente : » News: New patch preps guilds and VAC
Chvr !
Despues de mucho esfuerzo, llega hacia el motivo que lo hizo caminar tantas veces sobre la linea de la vida y la muerte...
Update Notes - July 10, 2013
Added Abaddon!
- Death Prophet: Fixed AI on Exorcism spirits that caused them to sometimes be less efficient and linger on units far from you
- Doom: Fixed Doom not disabling Flak Cannon
- Huskar: Fixed being able to attack while he is leaping in Life Break
- Jakiro: Fixed Liquid Fire debuff being removed by Manta/BKB
- Lich: Fixed the order of damage instances on Frost Nova
- Omniknight: Fixed his spells not working on Mechanical units
- Phantom Assassin: Fixed Stifling Dagger projectile speed traveling a little too slow
- Sven: Fixed Storm Bolt aoe not hitting invisible units
- Fixed Siege not getting increased damage when the Ranged Barracks dies
- Fixed Buckler and Mekansm +2 active armor buff stacking
- Fixed Vladmir's Offering not working on Siege units
- Added match making option to opt out of Limited Hero mode
- Fixed some players not receiving item rewards after completing training tasks
- Play Tab will now remember your previous selection
- Fixed various progression bugs in Mechanics II
- Fixed disabled skill assignment using CTRL+Ability when in tutorial
- Added Player Card rewards. Unlock the Smeevil Crab mount by stamping complete teams
- Added the International Fantasy Challenge.
- Added a hotkey to Select All Units
- Added a hotkey to activate Speed Burst on your flying courier
- Minor reorganization to control settings page
- Fixed Replay Speed Decrease hotkey missing from the configuration panel
- Increased the maximum number of total spectator slots from 14 to 22
- Removed Favorite hero count limit
- Moved Solo Only Matchmaking to a setting on the main Find Match tab.
- New Tournament Drops:
... When a player reaches a Godlike streak
... When a Courier is killed
... When a player buys a Divine Rapier
... When Earthshaker Echoslam's 5 heroes
- Fixed Quick Cast bug preventing use on neutrals/couriers
- Fixed Global Silence not showing the visual effect on Familiars even though they are silenced
- Updated ability icons for Dark Seer and Dragon Knight
- Added new disarmed effect
- Fixes for a few portrait based effects, such as Enigma's vortex
- updated Mekansm SFX.
- Added support for Mac OS X
Minimum Mac OS X Requirements:
OS X Lion 10.7 4GB RAM, 4GB Hard drive space. nVidia 320M or higher, or Radeon 7000 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher
- Added support for Linux
Minimum Linux System Requirements:
Ubuntu 12.04, dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz, 4GB RAM, nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeaon HD2600/3600 (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310, AMD 12.11), OpenGL 2.1, 4GB Hard Drive Space, OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
Mac and Linux support is early and experimental. They will be remain in Dota 2 Test until the testing phase is complete. For reporting bugs, please see the Dota 2 GitHub at For community discussion of the Mac and Linux versions head to the Dota 2 Dev forums at Mac/Linux
- Added Mok mandrill courier
- Added Defense Grid announcer
- Fixed orientation on Bounty Hunter's Jinada Glows on workshop items
- Fixed Nether Ward effect orientation for workshop items
- Added support for workshop authored effects on Kunkka's weapon
- Bots will no longer stare at a dropped gem, futilely trying to destroy it.
Si quieres buscar CD keys de juegos a precios de salida usa esta pagina que te muestra una lista de paginas vendiendolas
Si tienes cuenta PAGUM y quieres comprar de STEAM USA , dale click y mira como hacerlo .
OMG! A este héroe lo he estado esperando desde hace tiempo. Ahora podré hacer de support con él, aparte del Omniknight xD
Gracias por el update!
Pd: Su montura me recuerda a la del Death Knight en WoW.