Marten The Blind [18:04:17]: SELL UR SHIT
Marten The Blind [18:04:18]: OR IM AFK
Marten The Blind [18:04:19]: SELL IT
Marten The Blind [18:04:20]: NIGGER
Marten The Blind [18:04:21]: SELL IT
Marten The Blind [18:04:41]: GO
Marten The Blind [18:04:42]: BACK
Marten The Blind [18:04:45]: AND SELL THAT SHIT
Marten The Blind [18:04:46]: NOW
BlizzyDN[All] [08:20:16]: these koreans are getting mad
BlizzyDN[All] [08:20:21]: yelling at me in rice speak
BlizzyDN[All] [08:20:36]: you know
BlizzyDN[All] [08:20:39]: ching chong chang
BlizzyDN[All] [14:30:55]: when a horse farmer has a retarded horse he shoots it immediately
BlizzyDN[All] [14:31:01]: all i'm saying is we could learn a bit from horse farmers
BlizzyDN[All] [14:36:17]: what kind of limp-dicked oriental faggot dies 14 times
xXLordPredatorXx[All] [17:38:15]: LEGENDARY SHITTTVIRR GO DUEL ?
xXLordPredatorXx[All] [17:38:18]: OR ONYL TALK SHITTT
xXLordPredatorXx[All] [17:38:28]: ONLY TALK SHITT?
xXLordPredatorXx[All] [17:38:32]: WOW SHITVIR
xXLordPredatorXx[All] [17:38:35]: IS A PUSS.Y KID
FIunitrazepam [All] [03:29:19]: You're the one crying about racism like a whiny nigger.
SteelCent [07:24:06]: fuckjing puto this kid
miguellin5 [07:24:22]: at least i speak 2 lenguages
miguellin5 [07:24:41]: you only speak 1 retarded dumb asshole