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AoM The Titans X-Pack

Esta es una discusión para el tema AoM The Titans X-Pack en el foro Strategy, bajo la categoría Juegos; Fuente Ensemble Studios : This coming fall Age of Mythology fans will be able to control the powers of the ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    26 nov, 02
    mi jato

    Predeterminado AoM The Titans X-Pack

    Fuente Ensemble Studios:

    This coming fall Age of Mythology fans will be able to control the powers of the Titans with the Age of Mythology: The Titans expansion pack.

    Age of Mythology: The Titans adds a fourth culture, the Atlanteans, to the existing Greek, Egyptian and Norse mythologies. A new single-player campaign will add yet another chapter to the franchise's expansive folklore with the addition of 12 new scenarios. Atlantean players will be able to call upon the might of the Titan gods (such as Atlas and Cronus) multiple times throughout the game, and may also upgrade human units to heroes. The expansion pack will introduce 12 new god powers, 18 new human units and 10 formidable myth units to the game. Age of Mythology: The Titans may also be played with others online using the in-game matchmaking service, ES Online.

    BsK_tAnK @ BsKzone
    UL_King_tAnK @ UL_Kings

  2. #2
    You will be assimilated Staff Avatar de Locutus
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 mar, 03
    Kurast Docks


    Necesito instalar previamente el AoM??, porque en la pagina de Microsoft dice que no necesitas el AoM para instalar el Titans, pero cuando quiero instalarlo me pide que instale el AoM.
    Alguna sugerencia,please :roll:
    < Neural >
    "La violencia es el último recurso del incompetente"

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de Rodrigatthor
    Fecha de ingreso
    26 ene, 04


    tienes que instalar previamente el AOM para poder jugar la expansion, es igual que WCIII
    :D :D :D

  4. #4
    Fecha de ingreso
    25 ago, 21

    Predeterminado Re: AoM The Titans X-Pack

    The commercial AoM Titans X-pack is our premier offering and is the standard by which all other hosting packages are judged. This premium solution provides enterprise level WordPress hosting hardware and software to deliver AWS levels of performance as well as enterprise level control panel and support.

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