Esta es una discusión para el tema [CS] f4e TeaM en el foro Counter-Strike, bajo la categoría Clan Wars; Iniciado por LuzarD
holas se apuntan al cuadrangular del miercoles @ nc jm @ 4pm
atte : frkz team
alu ...
Página: 12
pueden el jueves a las 4 en DK ??
atte: Command Aim [cA]
pueden viernes en netcom de jesus maria a las 4pm 4drangular postear pls en nuestro topic =)
EviL scorpio
[FSKY] scorpio
estan apuntandos para el cuadrangular del miercoles 9 en DK amiwows quede con magneton.
oam][cuero 8)
Roster :
f4e diewOw
f4e mzt
f4e joaN
f4e Nlswt
f4e MaGnetoN
Lunes 7
vs : koa [cuadragunlar]
Lancenter : Dark Knight
Miercoles 9
vs : oam [cuadragunlar]
Lancenter : Dark Knight
Viernes 11
vs : EviL [cuadragunlar]
Lancenter : Netcom Jesus Marìa
Nos vemos a las 3:00 PM en blue bridge estos dias para ir a entrenar :D
Última edición por MaGnetoN; 05/07/2008 a las 18:54
se apuntan cuadrangular domingo 13 en walrus 2 a las 4pm
team oneclick
pd:confirmar en mi topic
cuadrangular sabado 19 a las 4pm @ walrus2 ?
> i g n i t i o n
gk tavownd
que pasa carajo! yo siempre llego puntual :evil: magneton no te la corras pls :lol:
Lunes a la hora q pusieron XD
Well it's a big big city and it's always the same
Can never be too pretty tell me your name
Is it out of line if I were simply bold to say "Would you be mine"?
Because I may be a beggar and you maybe the queen
I know I maybe on a downer I'm still ready to dream
Now it's 3 o'clock the time is just the time it takes for you to talk
So if you're lonely why'd you say you're not lonely
Oh you're a silly girl, I know I heard it so
It's just like you to come and go
And know me no you don't even know me
You're so sweet to try, oh my, you caught my eye
A girl like you's just irresistible
Well it's a big big city and the lights are all out
But it's much as I can do you know to figure you out
And I must confess, my hearts in broken pieces
And my heads a mess
And it's 4 in the morning, and I'm walking along
Beside the ghost of every drinker here who has ever done wrong
And it's you, woo hoo
That's got me going crazy for the things you do
So if you're crazy I don't care you amaze me
But you're a stupid girl, oh me, oh my, you talk
I die, you smile, you laugh, I cry
And only, a girl like you could be lonely
And it's a crying shame, if you would think the same
A boy like me's just irresistible
So if you're lonely, why'd you say you're not lonely
Oh you're a silly girl, I know I heard it so
It's just like you to come and go
And know me, no you don't even know me
You're so sweet to try oh my, you caught my eye
A girl like you's just irresistible
(L) the fratellis =)
JUEVES 10 - netcom jm @ 4pm ??
VIERNES 11 DK @ 4pm
hola que tal , ese mchL xD .. se apuntan para el cuadrangular del dia miercoles en netcom jesus maria alas 4 pm?? respondan lo antes posible plzzzz, gracias.
ya tenemos reto.
??? este topic es de f4e ... no te pases de p3@#%
ya tenemos reto ese dia.
Lunes 7
vs : koa [cuadragunlar]
Lancenter : Dark Knight
Miercoles 9
vs : oam [cuadragunlar]
Lancenter : Dark Knight
Viernes 11
vs : EviL [cuadragunlar]
Lancenter : Netcom Jesus Marìa
Mas tarde en el pte.
pd: esos colorcitos marean »«
ze apuntan al cuadrangular del prox miercolez (16) en walrusnet 2???, confirmar en mi topic o msn.
[CS] neosteam LANNN
atte neosteam. xerO
xerO - vipteam ^^,
payeis™ @ ( 948547246)