ok estan anotados para el sabado 12pm en LGC
Los esperamos
Esta es una discusión para el tema [CS] Afw ~ team (lan) en el foro Counter-Strike, bajo la categoría Clan Wars; ok estan anotados para el sabado 12pm en LGC
Los esperamos...
Página: 3
ok estan anotados para el sabado 12pm en LGC
Los esperamos
sábado 12 pm LGC confirmen atte away
whatever happened to the values of humanity , whatever happened to the fairness in equality , instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity lack of understanding leading us away from unity
bien ahi chato con tu team lan^^!
saludos p basura ;)
PD : cuando baje para peru ia te 0NEare ^^
Steam: D13g0ftw
Msn: [email protected]
Perfil ESL: http://www.esl.eu/es/player/3908703
este sábado de 12 a 4 en lgc hitch? confirma atte away
whatever happened to the values of humanity , whatever happened to the fairness in equality , instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity lack of understanding leading us away from unity
Sábado 9 @ DRAGONET
Organizamos cuadra @ 4pm.
• slot
• slot
• slot
• proLima
Confirman : pL, topic.
eNdless HotSauce;k2Rafael Macedo O.
Retired Knight Online Player.
GL h!tCh, se apuntan para el viernes4pm DRAGO o sabado 12pmDRAGO
respondan x aka noma
att: ViciousGaming.
Warbringer, STK
hitch se demoraron u.u próximop sábado slot lgc dime pe =)
whatever happened to the values of humanity , whatever happened to the fairness in equality , instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity lack of understanding leading us away from unity
sorry este sabado parece que no jugamos x algunos motivos..... y yumezr hitch me dijo k nos separes un slot pal proximo sabado :S
Yks;^^ :cool:
ya ya tienen su slot
whatever happened to the values of humanity , whatever happened to the fairness in equality , instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity lack of understanding leading us away from unity
xoac avla con afw para q vaiañ mañana plzz vibes
whatever happened to the values of humanity , whatever happened to the fairness in equality , instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity lack of understanding leading us away from unity
este sábado lgc a las 12 confirmen
whatever happened to the values of humanity , whatever happened to the fairness in equality , instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity lack of understanding leading us away from unity
MUCHACHOS disculpenme en serio fue mi error insultenme o lo que deseen xd pero un equipo ya me había pedido slot desde la semana pasada disculpenme =( agreguenme al msn y buscamos una solución
whatever happened to the values of humanity , whatever happened to the fairness in equality , instead of spreading love we are spreading animosity lack of understanding leading us away from unity
Team Renovado!
Última edición por hitCh.; 25/01/2010 a las 02:00 Razón: renovado