Marvel vs Capcom 3 – Special edition + DLC S/. 220
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 S/. 140
Asura's Wrath S/. 135
Kof 12 S/. 70
Wolverine – Uncaged edition S/. 80
SSF4 S/. 120
SSF4 AE S/. 160
Darksiders S/. 100
Castlevania: Lord of the shadows - Collectors edition S/. 220
Tekken 6 + stick S/. 290
Infamous 1 S/. 90
Infamous 2 S/. 120
Lair (Sellado) S/. 70
Metal gear 4 (Sellado) S/. 100
DMC4 – Collector’s editIon S/. 160
CoD4 S/. 70
Ninja Gaiden 3 (Sellado) S/. 190
Prince of persia: The forgotten sands S/. 80
Batman Arkham City S/. 130
Batman Arkham Asylum S/. 90