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La fecha es de hoy asi ke no creo ke sea eso del April fool o como sea aca se pueden ver los cambios por venir :O
Esta es una discusión para el tema WTH?! -Coming Soon: New Warcraft III Patch! en el foro WarCraft 3, bajo la categoría Top Games; Iniciado por
Coming Soon: New Warcraft III Patch!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Within the next few weeks, we will ...
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La fecha es de hoy asi ke no creo ke sea eso del April fool o como sea aca se pueden ver los cambios por venir :O
- Boots of Speed now cost 250 gold, up from 150 gold. They are not available until the first nightfall, and are now considered a level-3 permanent item, up from level 2.
iExec @ lol
eXecutor @ sc2
kiutoR @ wow
Entonces el hero Goblin no era un aprils Fools!!! :-o :-o. Ya da ganas de usarlo :D
Omfg.. gg Rushers... gg UD Nuke... :O... este patch va a cambiar las cosas BASTANTE...
WoW Gamer - PoC . Carrex / 8x Holy Priest - Retired
RoadToVictory - League of Legends Player
Carreira@HoN - Heroes of Newerth Player
Semi-Pro Poker Player:
BrokenFrames / Ipoker Network
Road2V1ctory /
MiracleShove /
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5 años retirado
acabo de enterarme justo ahora. ese neutral pe'...
ke tales cambios...
AHHH ese hero noo
ojala siga siendo una broma no me gustaria ver eso
Darkeness Calls me
Un heroe de inteligencia con ataque melee¡¡¡ :-o eso tengo que verlo
Vamos Vamos esos poderes la hacen... imaginense al Goblin ne Ultimate mas 5 peoncitos reparandolo OMFG!!!! aparte de que al ser una unidad mecanica no le afectan la mayoria de hechizoz (weno incluyendo los de cura) Aparte de que tiene una especie de WarStomp dirigido :-o
Q nuevas estrategias saldran de este Tio??
No estoy de avuerdo que el zigurat tenga 1 de armor. Que abuso.
I am the pastor of your sheep, I am the master of your destiny. I am the king of all you see.
alguien sabe para cuando tendran listo este parche..
ya quiero probar mis spirit walker 8)
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5 años retirado
si leen bien dicen ke van a sacar un beta de este parche
Zi pes ahora los zigs son de papelIniciado por cherokator
Blizzard hizo lo mas logico. Para balancear todas las razas un poco mejor habia q reducirles a las mas poderosas y eso ha sucedido.
Human mas q Undead han sido afectados por los parches, de ahi un poco al Orc y casi nada al NE solo ese cambio a la Warden q solo el tiempo dira si ha sido para bien o para mal porke daño es daño sobretodo si hay un heroe cerca malherido.
A los Undead les han bajado muchas de las cosas q hacian la diferencia. Cooldown Death Coil, Slow Nova, Ziggurats, Obsidian aunk tambien les dan mas armas "olvidadas" por los UD como Necros, Banshees, FrostWyrms boosteandolos agradablemente aunk habria q ver si al final resultan o no adecuados.
Solo el tiempo dira si estos cambios han sido o no los ideales. Asi a primera vista, aunk ya no juego War 3, me sentiria feliz de ser NE(aunk descalzo :( )
no creo que esto sea tan bueno los heroes Ne de por si son mas veloces aun sin las botas si la warden/Dh te hace un creep jack con ss fuiste la verdad al principio yo tambien me alegre por lo de las botas pero pensandolo bien ayudan mucho a sobrevivir al Ne harassIniciado por RockStar
no Pes kodito el demon hunter con botas quemante el mana de tu far seer y la warden atarjeteando a tu far a punta de veneno T_T si que era bien jodido. al menos en solo ladderIniciado por -kodito-
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5 años retirado
eso es lo que quiero decir, son recontra jodidos y aun sin botas son veloces la warden sin botas te puede perseguir y obligarte a hacer tp (350 gold) cuanto skill no? Q_Q
un intento mas de blizzard x arreglar las kosas... realmente me kae biene sa kompañia...
New Beta Patch 1.15A or Beta Patch 401
- Anonymous FFA games no longer display player level.
- Buff and debuff icons (not including auras) now flash when their duration has 10 or fewer seconds remaining.
- Buff icons will display in the tooltip when a group-selected unit is highlighted in the info panel.
- Fixed a Direct3D issue introduced in the first version of the 1.15 patch.
- Fixed a bug that prevented experience from being awarded when the Goblin Tinker was killed in Robo-Goblin form.
- Fixed a bug related to the Cluster Rockets damage capping improperly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Demolisher's Burning Oil from damaging buildings.
- Fixed a bug that caused illusions of morphed units to cost food.
- Fixed creep AI so that they will properly target Pocket Factories.
- Fixed an issue with Cluster Rockets that could interfere with proper experience distribution. Previously, if you hit a group of units with Cluster Rockets and someone else killed them, you would be awarded the experience.
- Fixed an issue with the Moderator indicator that was preventing the player's level from displaying.
- Fixed a bug in which if you held down right-click on an enemy unit's 3D portrait as the unit was teleporting, your screen would jump to the location to which the unit was being teleported.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Faerie Dragon to retain the Mana Flare effect, but not the graphic when ensnared, webbed, or shackled.
- Fixed queued attack orders such that they no longer become move orders if a unit dies before the order completes.
- Fixed a problem with Flamestrike where the pillar of flame graphic could appear without damaging any units.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Demon Hunter (in Demon form) to deal double damage when carrying certain Orb items.
- [World Editor] Fixed an issue that was causing excessive delays when saving maps with many strings.
Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (4)Ice Forge - Moved the four center creep camps farther apart from each other to prevent all the creep camps from agroing when attacking one particular creep camp.
Miscellaneous Tinker Changes
- Creeps have had enough of being abused by Pocket Factories, and now consider them to be significant threats. Every time a Clockwerk Goblin explodes on a creep, the creep considers the source of damage to be the Pocket Factory, and responds accordingly. Additionally, Clockwerk Goblins self-destruct when they venture too far from the Pocket Factory.
- Pocket Factory duration reduced to 40 seconds from 45 seconds so that it properly matches the cooldown of the ability.
- Pocket Factory hit points are now 300/400/500 by level, up from 300/300/300.
- Cluster Rockets damage increased from 30/55/80 to 35/60/90.
- Cluster Rockets damage capped to 12 targets. Note that it is possible for more than 12 targets to be stunned.
- Cluster Rockets now travel to their target 25% faster.
- Clockwerk Goblin hit points reduced to 80 from 125, and damage increased from 8-9 to 12-14.
- Clockwerk Goblin duration increased to 12 seconds from 8 seconds.
- Robo-Goblin Strength is now 5/7/9/11 (as upgraded by levels of engineering upgrade), down from 7/10/13/16. Robo-Goblin armor reduced to 1/2/3/4, down from 3/4/5/6.
- Blademaster speed increased to 320 from 300.
- Watch Tower build time increased to 60 seconds from 55 seconds. :-o :-o
- Unstable Concoction speed boost reduced to 400 distance units from 500.
Neutral Units and Heroes
- Neutral Hero lumber cost increased to 135 from 100.
- Breath of Fire damage reduced to 65/120/175 from 65/130/195.
- To purchase from a neutral shop or Mercenary Camp, a valid unit or Hero must now be within 450 distance units, down from 600 distance units. Note that this change does not affect racial shops. :-o :-o
NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions (Beta 400 replays cannot be viewed with the Beta 401 version of Warcraft III). Custom save games will not load from beta version 400
donde bajo ese patch no esta en se que ahi paginas donde se puede bajar ese patch pero la verdad es que no funka.
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5 años retirado