Acabo de ver que a 4k.Grubby le robaron la cuenta de Northrend, justo cuando estaba 2do (lvl 40). Parece que los keylogers estan al dia!,, y ni a los gamers de warcraft nos dejan en paz, tengan cuidado x siaca!
Ojala la recupere, me pregunto para q lo hacen??? solo x jod... nada mas?.. :x :x
bueno espero la recupere! es un buen Orc player!
lynk del topic en BNET Forums:I just found out both my 4K.Grubby account on BNet and my [email protected] account are stolen which had the same password.
Shoe, are you there? I need some ideas now.
If anyone can help grubby, go to Quakenet #wc3addicts .
Edit: Grubby asked me to give a shoutout to Shoe.
Cause you helped him last time, Contact him @ irc if you can.