Bueno en general, durante el aniversario de hon - va a ver ciertas ventajas o facilidades como estas:
Eleven Days of FREE-to-Play (F2P) - 11 dias de juego gratis
Redesigned Item Shop, Hero Guides & Tooltips - Nueva Tienda para comprar los items, guias de los heroes, y tips para el juego
FREE HoN Account with Coin Package Purchase - promo de cuenta + 2450 gold coins ( puede ser 2950 si usas el referer contigo mismo) por 40 USD.
Two New Alt Avatars - Avatar del armadon y el zeus
**************** Lo mas importante a mi parecer *******************
First Game Bonus – 200 FREE Goblin Coins
And that’s not all! Every player will be rewarded with 100 Gold Goblin Coins and 100 Silver Goblin Coins for their first game completed during the HoNiversary celebration period which starts today (Thursday, May 12) at 9:00 p.m. EST and runs till Sunday, May 22nd at 12 a.m. EST. Coins will be automatically added to your account. Get playin’ and get your free coins!