Aun quedan Cupos!, seria genial q fueran cubiertos por Equipos Peruanos!Gosu4Fun is back with a 5v5 Tournament this weekend, and a special bonus match for the winners!
We're bringing back the Gosu4Fun tourneys, and this weekend's event will give an amateur team the chance to get crushed by pros. That's right, the winners of the tournament will go on to face professional team Online Kingdom in a special exhibition match!
Gosu4Fun 5v5 BP Tournament
Sunday, July 3rd at 19:30 CET
5v5 Banning Pick, Forests of Caldavar
16 teams max
Winners play Online Kingdom!
Anyone can enter. If you think your team deserves a chance to upset Online Kingdom, then register by sending an e-mail to [email protected] with the following:
Team name
Contact e-mail address
The first 16 sign-ups will get in, so don't hesitate!
envien un mail para la inscripcion a [email protected]
es una gran oportunidad jugar contra Online Kingdom!