Cualquiera se equivoca, sin comentarios a tan estupida cosa........ Tortuga diciendole a morrocoy conchudo :-?Iniciado por JoE_466esta bien que por ignorancia no sepas ingles pero que confundas unas sifras ya es bien patetico :roll: ...dice 800 dolares no 8000.Iniciado por KnashIniciado por elezeroc v chvr el juego pero no me lo puedo bajar -.-"Iniciado por H3LL-S1NGAca les dejo una foro para que se hagan una idea de como es el juegoIniciado por H3LL-S1NGNUEVO JUEGO:
EndlessOnline has been scammed by a certain hosting 'companies'. Aengie and Vult-r have been frauded for almost $800. EndlessOnline is a free game, with no advertisements or donations, this loss of funds will have a deep inpact on all players.
The current gameserver has already been re-formatted by a heartless datacentre without any notice, we have some backups but ofcourse there will be data-loss
We are struggled in some debate with the datacentre and the hosting company but so far it doesnt seem we will ever be refunded. Even though we only request half our money back to setup a temporary server and stop Endless from bleeding.
Its just sad that certain people exploited a totally free game, developed by people with a certain dream... They really not care how much they have hurt us and all players who believed in Endless.
We are in a final and critical fase of claiming a refund, if this fails we will publish the whole story including names of all responsible for this tragidy, because we think all players deserve a explaination.
Keep the faith, vult-r and aengie.
(YA se peude bajar :D , unos dos tipos le robaron 8,000 dolares a la compañia)