Nuevo servidor apenas abrio, esta con servidor dedicado y datacenter, forma parte de otros servidores, a ver si se animan a entrar y les damos guerra, la pagina es:
Les dejo mas informacion, tiene todo:
* Full Gracia Part 2 Including Hellbound
* Custom Shops with FULL C1-C6 Items
* Custom Shop with Weapons armors scrolls Etc
* Custom Telleporter with Interlude Zones
* Full C1 - C6 Kamael Hellbound Mobs+Raids
* Mia the Cat ( Class Manager)
* Fishing system
* Olympiad system - from 18:00 - 21:00
* Auto learn skills, skills can be enchanted
* Max enchant weapon +20 rate of succes is 60%, safe till +3
* Max enchant armor +25 rate of succes 65% , safe till +3
* Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Int spawnlist and mobs
* Clan Hall working
* Player spawn protection 20 seconds
* Starting buffer for lvl 1 to 20
* Buffer-1 hour buff time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants
* Maximum level is 85
* Full C1-C6, Quests
* Nobless Manager -> Caradine
* Team vs Team events daily
* Hero weapons can be enchanted
* Nobless / Hero system working
* And many more new features.
Ahi los espero.