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What is the turnaround time for subtitling projects with TransPerfect?

Esta es una discusión para el tema What is the turnaround time for subtitling projects with TransPerfect? en el foro Counter-Strike, bajo la categoría Top Games; What is the turnaround time for subtitling projects with TransPerfect?...
Página: 1

  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 jun, 21

    Predeterminado What is the turnaround time for subtitling projects with TransPerfect?

    What is the turnaround time for subtitling projects with TransPerfect?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    15 jun, 21

    Predeterminado Re: What is the turnaround time for subtitling projects with TransPerfect?

    The turnaround time for subtitling projects may vary depending on the length and complexity of the content . However, TransPerfect strives to provide timely delivery without compromising on quality.

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